Minutes CvCC Meeting 26th August 2021
Thursday 26th August 2021
PRESENT: H Deery (HD)[Chairperson], A Kirk (AK), A Buttress (AB), G Dyer (GD), C Miller (CM), D Stott (DS), Councillor Bill Lobban, J Bracher (JB), A McNeilage (AM)
IN ATTENDANCE: Martyn O’Reilly, Fiona Angella, Gloria Bruce
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 24th June 2021 were agreed as accurate by GD/ AB.
Acronym | Meaning |
CNPA | Cairngorm National Park Authority |
CvCC | Carrbridge and Vicinity Community Council |
NMU | Non-Motorized Users |
CBA | Carrbridge Ahead |
The decision on any declarations lies with the individual Community Councillors.
- AB declares interest as member of Capercaillie Group and bowling club.
- AK director of Community Company
- CM reported funds are £3039.46, of which £144.41 is cash.
OAP Christmas Party COVID dependant the CvCC hope this event will proceed this year. CvCC recognise a challenge in identifying all those eligible for invite. Considering privacy policies and sources of data, it was determined that Local knowledge and word of mouth would be best solution. The minimum age (previously 65) for eligibility was discussed. The majority CvCC vote was to maintain 65 as the minimum age for eligibility.
| Helen Deery |
Village Road Markings Grantown Rd has been ‘top dressed’, improving the road surface but occluding the road markings. Availability of a contactor causing delay in adding the road markings. Alternate contractors are being evaluated by the council. 20 mph traffic calming The temporary 20mph zoning has been delayed by difficulty getting signage. Councillor Bill Lobban advised future changes in legislation may make progress easier.
| Denise Stott |
CBA/CvCC Funding Pathway Joint discussions between CBA and CvCC are scheduled in the wc 06 Sept, to build working relationship and improve flow of funds. The use of funds has yet to be fully allocated. The CvCC recognise there is a duty to spend funds wisely in a manner benefiting the village. As such CvCC invites ideas from the wider village. | Helen Deery |
Drinking Water Fountain for Village HD had completed an application for a drinking water fountain to be considered by Scottish Water. | – |
Bowling Club Fence & Gate state of repair As has been discussed in previous meetings the current fencing and gate is in a bad state of repair. Councillor Bill Lobban had contacted Highland Council legal department who indicated that fence is provided under a self-repairing lease (ie. lease owner has the maintenance responsibility). Responsibility for repair needs to be verified, and if necessary, avenues to fund repair need to be evaluated. Martyn O’Reilly observed there is unused portion of bowling club building that might be considered in for future development opportunity. The gate entering the Playing field was identified as being in a poor state of repair. Councillor Bill Lobban will check council responsibility. | – |
Planning For Carr Road; · Consultation on permanent change of speed to 20mph has started. Consultation for traffic calming will start this week. · AK as household has received no direct communication as an immediately affected property. DS will follow up on clarifying status of notifications to immediately affected properties. | Denise Stott |
Windfarms updates Fred Olsen Renewables Windfarm will start an open consultation online from 30 August and in the village hall on Tue 31 Aug. Tom nan clach windfarm have started application for additional turbines. The application will be for the erection of 8 wind turbines and associated infrastructure and will propose to use the existing access track purpose built for the operational Tom nan Clach Wind Farm. | Denise Stott
NMU (non motorised user route) AK received update by email from Sam MacNaughton, A9 Dualling Team, Major Transport Infrastructure Projects (MTRIPs), on 17th August 2020. “..Below is a brief update on progress in respect of the Aviemore to Carrbridge NMU project. Following on from the virtual public engagement events in November / December 2020, we have been assessing the feedback received so that this might inform the Options Appraisal for the project. In addition, we have been consulting with potentially affected landowners and tenants along the line of the route corridors and this engagement is now concluded. Also, since the gradual lifting of the Covid restrictions in April earlier this year we have been carrying out a number of environmental surveys in the area and these will soon be complete and thereafter we anticipate making an announcement on the preferred route in late summer 2021. At that time the Options Appraisal Report will be published on the Transport Scotland website. Once the preferred route has been identified we will be moving forward with the detailed design for the scheme, identifying the land required for the project and preparing an environmental impact all of which will be used for a planning application which we hope to submit to the planning authority during the early part of next year. Also, as you are aware from previous discussions, Transport Scotland has committed to include the Aviemore to Carrbridge NMU route in the A9 Dualling programme if all the necessary land and statutory consents are in place to coincide with construction timescales. In regard to the A9 Dalraddy to Slochd scheme this was the subject of a Public Local Inquiry during 2020 and we are now awaiting a decision to proceed from Scottish Ministers. Thereafter following this decision we will be seeking to publish the Made Orders for the scheme.” Concern was raised that linkage of the NMU project to A9 dualling project could drive significant slippage of timeline from original baseline. However, the link to A9 dualling project does provide leverage in funding, land acquisition and engineering works. If the NMU project was decoupled these are barriers of significant scale. Councillor Bill Lobban recommends continue to pressure MSP’s to maintain commitment. | Andrew Kirk |
Struan House Hotel Councillor Bill Lobban no formal updates. HD observed surveyor onsite during last month. | Helen Deery |
Pathways proposal by the Caper Project will continue Community Consultation in Village Hall in Nov. Feedback has been taken into consideration in continuing to develop the proposal. AB
R McInnes – Raises awareness that the British Legion Grantown Memorial will celebrate 100 years on the 18 Sept. This is considered a strathspey memorial and invite is open to all.
R McInnes observed national park contractor did good job trimming back overhanging branches and verge foliage on riverside walk.
R McInnes has donated new nets for the park goalposts. These were fitted by R McInnes and Scott Macdonald.
AK raised again the wasteland at Ellanwood rd requires tidying. Councillor Bill Lobban updated that requests have been made to deliver the service, and he will continue to ask, but resources are under significant pressure. A local volunteer team could, with consent of the residents, take action to resolve the immediate state.
No questions |
28th Oct