Minutes CvCC Meeting 28th October 2021
Thursday 28th October 2021
PRESENT: H Deery (HD)[Chairperson], A Kirk (AK), A Buttress (AB), G Dyer (GD), C Miller (CM), D Stott (DS), Councilor Bill Lobban, J Bracher (JB), A McNeilage (AM)
IN ATTENDANCE: F Angella, G Bruce, M Pashke, R Walker, V Dyer, G Mitchel, L Bishop, H Davidson, J Carlyle , L Anderson
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 26th August 2021 were agreed as accurate by
DS and GD.
Acronym | Meaning |
CNPA | Cairngorm National Park Authority |
CvCC | Carrbridge and Vicinity Community Council |
NMU | Non-Motorized Users |
CBA | Carrbridge Ahead |
THC | The Highland Council |
AK provided notice that RM is retiring from his position in CvCC.
AK and the CvCC recognize and thank RM for his record of service and contribution to CvCC and Carrbridge Community including his lead on the war memorial and Remembrance Sunday.
The decision on any declarations lies with the individual Community Councillors.
• HD declared interest in the Struan House
• AB declares interest as member of Capercaillie Group, CBA and bowling club.
• CM reported funds as of 15 Sept 2021 are £2895.05, with additional £516.17 in cash.
OAP Christmas Party After consideration of the risks and benefits of the party versus alternatives in the current year, the CvCC voted in favour of alternate option. The CvCC voted in favour of providing a gift card, and not holding the OAP Christmas Party.AK will develop a list of eligible individuals. HD will define the gift voucher. |
20 mph traffic calming on Carr Road DS reported several objections had been submitted to THC against the proposal. The objections are expected to be reviewed by THC and the developer to see if they can be overcome prior to the final decision.Temporary 20mph zoning The temporary 20mph zoning reports THC has previously been delayed due to difficulty getting signage. This has now been resolved and it is anticipated signs and poles will be erected in the coming weeks. Village Road Markings A vehicle activated speed sign has been ordered by Highland Council and will be installed on the Grantown Road east bound side. There was concern raised with regard speeding on the Inverness Road at the entrance to the village. Lack of road markings is dangerous, particularly with the darker days and a potential contributing factor for speeding. The disabled road markings in front of the Gallery need re-painted, Councillor Bill Lobban will follow up. |
CBA/CvCC Funding Pathway Joint discussions between CBA and CvCC have proposed CBA ring fence funds for CvCC. The proposal resolves CvCC having liability for funds. The CvCC voted in favour of the proposal (5 to 1, with 1 abstain).HD will continue discussion with CBA to finalize processes. For awareness, CBA has funds, and accepts applications to be considered for grants. Request forms are available on CBA website. M Paschke states CBA will distribute a letter to all village residents raising awareness of the application process. |
NMU (non-motorised user route) No update. Concern remains, that the linkage of the NMU project to A9 dualling project could drive significant slippage of timeline from original baseline. Link to A9 dualling project does provide leverage in funding, land acquisition and engineering works. If the NMU project was decoupled these are barriers of significant scale.An update had been expected from Transport Scotland, AK will follow up. |
Planning Councillor Bill Lobban took no part in any planning discussion.Proposal for a new house at Smithy Croft, Station Road is moving through the planning system and a site inspection by the Scottish Government reporter has been notified to CC. An objection was raised on behalf of CvCC. Windfarms updates Tom na clach windfarm has held public exhibition of their proposal. Their application continues to progress through the planning system. |
Struan House Hotel HD took no part in the discussion on this item. Drawings of the proposal to demolish the existing property and build flats and parking are available to view online. The CvCC will submit a formal response to the plans generally in favour with some concerns (including consideration for disabled access within the surrounding village, proximity, and loss of light concerns for neighboring properties). |
Village path consultation Consultation is ongoing. Feedback forms are available in the Spar and online. Deadline for submission of forms is 4th November 2021. |
Village public space enhancing Concern was raised that the village is falling behind aesthetically. JB noted aesthetic improvements may have benefit in traffic calming. Proposals could be submitted to CBA for consideration and funding. Maintaining improvements is a factor to be considered. HD to agenda this item for further discussion at next CvCC meeting. |
Matters outstanding |
Drinking Water Fountain for Village HD had completed an application for a drinking water fountain to be considered by Scottish Water. There has been no response and DS will follow up with Scottish Water. |
Bowling Club Fence & Gate state of repair As has been discussed in previous meetings the current fencing and gate is in a bad state of repair. Councillor Bill Lobban will follow up with HC grounds and maintenance. |
- DS has submitted ticket via THC website that the lights on path between Dalmore Road and Carrbridge Hotel are not working as intended.
- AK has completed paperwork for Christmas lights and paperwork for the Christmas tree.
- AK stated Clare Lake has raised concern with regard increase in litter at the school playground.
- Concern was raised that Stagecoach bus timetables had changed without appropriate notice, and new schedule is not adequate to the community’s needs. This concern was voiced by both members of CvCC and members of the public in attendance. Councillor Bill Lobban will raise this concern with Badenoch and Strathspey transport group.
- CM notes the Porridge year has finished, with a profit of £500. CM recognised all the porridge committee for their ongoing help and thanks must go to Mandy McDonald (Artisan shop) and Kireen Johnstone (SPAR) for their efforts in raising funds through the sale of our merchandise, which were crucial in the success of the 2021 event. HD echoed thanks to the Porridge team and CM. Margarete Pashke gets particular thanks for the considerable help she gave is in loading and maintaining our social media. HD echoed thanks to the Porridge team and CM.
- CM noted CvCC is entitled to request a copy of the electoral roll, which would be of value in identifying residents eligible for OAP gift card. HD accepted that CM would progress this request.
- CM highlighted the question ‘Where can you get a cup of tea [in the village]?’ has been asked several times by visitors. CM recognises this is a potential opportunity for the community to promote a business to capitalise on demand and asked that the CVCC give this some thought and that it gets raised again at next meeting
- AB asked about provision of car charging in the car park. Councillor Bill Lobban commented that there is a meeting in the coming week to review strategy. AB reinforced it is a village need.
- HD commented for awareness that a Community Council complaints procedure has been implemented by HC and is available on the HC website.
- HD proposed the CvCC meetings be held 8 times per year. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
- Comment that the public toilet door has been damaged. Councillor Bill Lobban took note.
- Concern was raised that the resurfaced roads between Carrbridge and A9, and between Carrbridge and Dulnain Bridge are treacherous in the dark due to the lack of road markings.
- Concern was raised that the unclassified (old A9) at Slochd is being used as a short cut. This increases volume of traffic. Concern was further raised that the speed limit on this road is too high (60 mph), given it is a cycle route. Additionally, the bridge crossing the railway line on this road is only suitable for single file traffic and needs road markings to regulate flow. In discussion, it was suggested measures like those on the south exit from A9 to Tomatin could be considered. DS will follow up.
- It was commented that Aviemore community council minutes had mentioned that £130k of funding was available over next 5 years for community projects. Councillor Bill Lobban commented the funding is available for projects in Badenoch & Strathspey on the condition the community partnership is involved.
25th November 2021 at 1930hrs