Planning Application 2022/0291/DET
Erection of temporary sales cabinet Land 225m East of Carr Farm, Carr road, Carrbridge
This application will be decided at the CNPA Planning Committee Meeting on 11th November 2022, the meeting starts a 10:00am.
Recommendation is to APPROVE
Tom More Forest Scoping
This is a scoping consultation for the long term forestry development.
Below is a cut and paste of the Scoping Document. I could not find a link on a web site. The Concept Map will be on the village notice board fro Tuesday 28th June. All comments to be received by Nicholson Forestry By 21 July 2022
Aviemore to Carrbridge NMU
Transport Scotland has Issued the outcome of the preferred route for the NMU and the information on the next stage of the process.