Minute – CVCC meeting 26th May 2021
PRESENT: A Kirk (Chair), A Buttress, H Deery, J Bracher, D Stott, G Dyer (Mins), Cllr Lobban
IN ATTENDANCE: F Angella, A Gray, M Brown, G Gerrard, M Paschke
APOLOGIES: I Inglis, R McInnes, C Miller, A McNeilage, C Robertson
TREASURER’S REPORT: Total funds are £2454.29. Concerns expressed about reducing annual income from THC Grant and Reidhaven Estate donation and future funding of CC. Agreed in interim, to pay £358 towards Bowling Club insurance, as currently unable to raise with Carrbridge Ahead due rationalisation of financial planning process in progress. AB did not vote.
STRUAN HOUSE: Cllr L advised progress being made in respect of CPO but it would take time, but gave assurance that current residents would be offered rehousing by THC.
NON MOTORISED USERS ROUTE: Survey teams had been seen in action recently.
CAPERCAILLIE PROJECT: AB reported that survey results very positive and that after representations, proposals 3,11 & 16 had been withdrawn and apologies given for oversights. 3 tenders had been received and were being assessed. Results and plans will be published in a Carrbridge Capercaillie Newsletter due for publication early June. Concerns expressed about use of only Facebook etc, as many do not access.
YOUTH CLUB: General agreement that setting up of Youth Club very desirable, but involvement of parents and youngsters essential. MB and MP agreed to liaise with Karen Stewart and Kerry Dickson in setting up contacts with parent volunteers and necessary administration. DS and JB offered whatever assistance they could. CCrs welcomed the funding by HC to youth club.
VANDALISM: Concerns over recent vandalism in village. Police informed, but more must be done. Agreed that Police must lead in any action taken, but more proactive approach required. Agreed all parents of school age children should be updated on behavioural issues and agreement to adopt a joint approach to direct energies in positive direction, such as setting up and running a youth club in village hall.
ROAD MARKINGS: Nothing to report, but vegetation obscuring signs – appropriate farmer to be approached. Note: Reidhaven Estate now confirm approval for removal.
TRAFFIC CALMING: CCr L advised meeting on 1st June to decide on 20mph zones in Carrbridge. The traffic calming proposals for Carr Road in respect of the Bull Field development would be put to consultation. The route to school was not a planning condition, but will be actioned by CNPA.
PLANNING: Station Road House – decision deferred until June 15 planning meeting. Lethan Windfarm – NTR Orchid Park Drainage – GD reported site meeting held 20th May with Gavin Miles CNPA Planning Officer, two residents and 3 CCllrs. GM advised one ditch profile was to be amended, but that after a very wet winter, a rise in water table was to be expected and that the situation would be reviewed.
ANY OTHER COMPETENT BUSINESS: Soldier’s Head – AK reported that it was Transport Scotland’ intention to retain this feature if at all possible. Report subsequently received from S MacD (attached as appendix) Community Shed – GD reported that we were applying for an exemption to any drainage charges for the building. Car Park Bins – THC will not supply extra bins, but there was a possibility of getting bigger bins – Cllr L agreed to check. Strathspey Lane Vegetation – Cllr L requested to get action taken on this eyesore. Car Park Facilities – JB to check on availability of bike tool station in car park to emphasise “bike friendliness” of Carrbridge. AB asked WL to check on possibility of getting an electric charging point in car park. Bike Bus – JB reported this was very well received, with 15 -25 kids participating.
AK announced that the next meeting would be via Zoom on Thursday 24th June at 7.30
The meeting closed at 2105hrs.
Appendix 1 – Email regarding Soldiers Head, Slochd.
From: stuart macdonald
Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2021 11:15 AM
To: Andrew Kirk
Subject: Soldiers Head, Slochd
‘’After my original question, re- Any backing for applying for listed monument status for the ‘soldiers head’ at Slochd.
With your assistance, I had a very informative video conference with-
Rory Gunn – Chief Engineer (Engineering, Design and Project Management) and
Jessica Smith – Geological Manager.
Both of Atkins Global, part of the design team on this section of the A9 Duelling Works.
Jessica and Rory explained the following, and were at pains to point out that all concerned are aware of the Soldiers Head and the importance and interest that it has with the public, not just the local community.
- Layout of he Slochd section, the works required and the precautions that will be in place. Nearest blast will be some 50m away.
- No guarantee’s for the Soldiers Head can be given as the exposed rock in the area is well weathered and prone to breaking off, indicated by the volume of debris at the bottom of the rock face.
- Blasting, although extensive, individual blasts will be relatively small to enable debris removal quickly to allow traffic flow to resume.
- Network Rail have their own concerns over blasting in the area as some of the rail infrastructure may be suseptical to damage, and will be monitoring the works.
- The earlier investigation works in the area included a test blast, with monitoring, which did not give any rise for concern.
When asked about Contractors having different constraints, e.g. time and costs, they advised that all blasts will be monitored to ensure the contract constraints are adhered to.
When asked if precautions would change if the Soldiers Head became a listed monument, Rory advised that since the Environmental Statement was published the precautions may be fixed, but he would find out and come back to me.
Rory did come back to me and advised the following.
‘If any feature or site were to obtain this status after having published the Environmental Statement, the process we would need to undertake would be to apply for Scheduled Monument Consent for the construction.’
My conclusion is that it would make sense to apply for listed monument status (geological feature) which if granted may require further precautions to be taken.
But there is no guarantee that the Soldiers Head will not disintegrate even before the A9 duelling works begins in this area.
There is no financial cost to apply for listed monument status.
Was the question raised at your last CCC meeting, if so what are the thoughts, and if not, what are the thoughts ?