Minutes from Community Council Meeting held on 27 June 2019
MINUTES OF MEETING HELD IN THE VILLAGE HALL ON Thursday 27th June, 2019 at 7.30p.m.
Andrew Kirk (Chairman), Robert McInnes, Bill Lobban (Councillor), George Dyer, Charles Miller (Treasurer)
In attendance: Jan Carlyle, Jacqueline Rice, Liz Bishop, Ruth Walker and Heather Davidson (Minutes).
APOLOGIES: Kate Adamson, Alice Buttress, Denise Stott, Lorraine Anderson and John Kirk (CNPA)
MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 30th May 2019 were approved by Robert McInnes and seconded by Charles Miller
A9 Dualling and NMU Route: Andrew Kirk commented on the lack of progress along the A9, unfortunately there is nothing to report presently. Bill Lobban attended a presentation and no date for the start of the A9 dualling. Aviemore to Slochd once started will take 4 1/2 years to complete.
Speeding: HC are hopefully going to refresh signage on the Grantown on Spey Road with the addition of 321 30mph markers soon. Bill Lobban reported that the 20mph motion has not been passed by the Scottish Government.
Flooding: Danny Fullerton – Landmark – along with Alistair Stewart HC, had a site meeting regarding the flooding in the woods; Danny Fullerton will liaise with the neighbours that are affected by the flood, hopefully to create a trench. Alistair Stewart has given permission for Landmark to work on HC land..
Car Park Waste Bin: Bill Lobban looked today and the waste bin is not there, he will take this matter forward but explained that if a big bin is installed there will have to be a cement base created.
Winter Lights: Bill Lobban informed the meeting that if the village wants the Council to install the Winter Lights a payment of £730.00 will have to be made. The choices therefore are:- 1. No Winter Lights. 2. Pay to have them installed. Andrew Kirk preferred option was that we pay to have them installed. There was general agreement for this.
There followed a general discussion as to the state of the lights, but purchasing new ones was considered prohibitive at this time as time was too short for 2019, but will be looked at again leading up to Christmas 2020. Heather Davidson will visit Colin Watt, Carrbridge Hotel to glean information about a company that he has used to purchase lights.
Old Bridge: The Steps and Viewing Platform along with the Old Bridge itself have been assessed and the report will follow. Bill Lobban intimated that access to the Old Bridge is recommended to be closed off by a fence. This does not affect the memorial bench area which is to remain open.
Dog Mess: Dougie Edwards has made a sign and erected it on the playpark fence at no charge to the CC. Hopefully but unlikely that no dog mess will now be found in the playpark.Andrew Kirk expressed thanks on behalf of the CC to Dougie for his generosity.
Seats and benches etc: Robert McInnes has made contact with Victor Sandilands who will renovate and repair the identified items soon.
Planning: An objection to the planning application for another hut and dry toilet situated in Baddengorm woods has been submitted. Carrbridge & Vicinity Community Council wish to register our objection to the above application on two counts.
1. We are concerned about the proposed site being in close proximity to known capercaillie activity, including a lek.
2. The proposed site is less than 200 metres from another recently erected structure which is allegedly being used for purposes other than that for which approval was given by The Highland Council. With the delineation of this woodland into separate blocks, we would not wish to see any proliferation of these forest “hideaways”.
We would ask that due consideration be given to our thoughts in respect of this application when your officers and members deliberate on the matter.
(On the 1st July we were notified that the application had been refused. Application Number: 2019/0134/DET
Development Proposed: Erection of hut and siting of composting toilet
Location: Gabhean Baddengorm Wood, Carrbridge
The Cairngorms National Park Planning Committee considered the above application on 28
June 2019. The Committee decision was to Refuse.
Details of conditions and reasons can be viewed at:
Enter the reference number 2019/0134/DET and click on Search )
Treasurers Report: Charles Miller gave his report – Bank Balance £4,861.48 with no issues.
Golden Spurtle: Charles Miller stated that entrants for the senior competition are very good but the junior competition entrants are poor, he is approaching Grantown Grammar School and Kingussie High School. The Head Chef at the Muckrach Hotel is keen to enter. The merchandise is all purchased and everything else is going to plan.
Duck Race: This will be held on 4th August 2019, George Dyer stated the tickets are now ready to go on sale and posters are up.
1.Asbestos Paths: Alice Buttress reported that the path engineer confirmed resurfacing should go ahead this September, there will be a membrane put down with a new surface on top – there will be no removal of present material. This will be done on a rolling working method so should not require the whole path to be closed. It is intended to carry out one more inspection in August prior to new path being laid.
2.Climate Emergency: Bill Lobban stated that once this policy is in place the CC will be informed but it is too early at this time.
3. Slochd Pylon works – Liz Bishop intimated that they were still having problems with construction traffic speed in particular. Andrew Kirk said he would contact Louise Anderson, SSE, who had attended a CC meeting previously.
(in fact Louise Anderson herself made contact the following day as below.
Further to the complaints we have received from residents in Slochd with regards to the speed of our Principal Contractor and their sub-contractor’s vehicles driving through the car park and the forest, on Friday, our Principal Contractor; MSVE had radar operated speed signs installed.
These signs light up showing a vehicles speed as they approach , this information is also collated and sent weekly to MSVE to confirm traffic speeds (device logs speed & time). I am confident that these being in place will ensure that all the vehicles carrying out works in the area for us stick to the 15mph speed limit
We have written to all the residents in Slochd to advise that the signs have now been put up. If you require any other information or have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Many thanks, Louise, SSE Community Liaison Manager
July Meeting: Owing to the fact there will not be a quorum there will not be a meeting.
Meeting closed at 8.17p.m.
Date of next meeting: Thursday 29th August 2019