Minutes of Community Council Meeting held on 26th September 2019
Thursday 26th September, 2019
In the Village Hall at 7.30p.m.
Andrew Kirk (Chairman), Alice Buttress, Robert McInnes, George Dyer, Charles Miller, Bill Lobban (Councillor) and David Ritchie.
In attendance:
Jan Carlyle, Iain Campbell, Colin Watt, Gavin Gerrard, Lorraine Anderson and Heather Davidson (Minutes).
MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 29th August 2019 were approved by Robert McInnes and seconded by Alice Buttress.
A9 DUALLING NMU ROUTE: Andrew Kirk presented maps and leaflets showing two routes available, the route chosen has to be submitted by 25th October, 2019. George Dyer stated that it would be 4 years for dualling and 4 months for NMU. Gavin Gerrard stated that the two do not have to be linked but Andrew Kirk replied they are financially linked. All residents can submit their own feedback. Alice Buttress feels that we should not push Carrbridge to Kinveachy as a priority in case they stop there.
SPEEDING: Andrew Kirk asked Bill Lobban if there was any further news with the painting on the road. The answer is no, but Bill Lobban assured the meeting it will happen, it is on the list. George Dyer then raised the matter of the speed indicator and the costings for this were requested 8 months ago and still no reply.
FLOODING – LANDMARK: Iain Campbell reported once again that the ditch that was opened up has made no difference to the flooding in his back garden. George Dyer, in discussion with Douglas Stuart CPNA and the Estate regarding the recent flooding of the path which runs parallel with the A9, all were of the opinion it was a drainage problem . Andrew Kirk to pursue. Iain Campbell added the main cause could be the cable to the Wind Farm, which is filled above the height it should be. Bill Lobban to get the Roads Department to look into this.
DALNAHAITNACH DAMAGE: All problems to do with the recent flooding have been repaired road wise .Hopefully the estate will re-do car park in due course. However it is understood that Spey Fisheries Board have told HC they must get a ‘licence’ for their rediverting of the burn.
RIVERSIDE WALK: Stephen Blair has now repaired the path damaged by the flood and it is now once again suitable for all to use. The account from him was very modest. Robert McInnes stated that some dust is required, David Ritchie offered to supply this and Stephen Blair will lay it.
STREET LIGHTING: This continues to been replaced by LED bulbs; Some Ellanwood Road residents feel that the lights are now too dim. Jan Carlyle commented that the pavement on Inverness Road is also very dark. However some Station Road residents have complained they are too bright.
EXTRA WASTE BIN IN CAR PARK: Bill Lobban reported a new non-recyclable bin has been installed; all waste goes in this bin. Alice Buttress queried the disappearance of the big green waste bin opposite the Carrbridge Hotel.
CHRISTMAS LIGHTING: HC are now to charge for putting them up and down. It was decided that the CC would pay for the erection of the lights this year at least.
CC ELECTIONS: The nominations for the election of nominees have to be lodged by 8th October 2019 at 12.00noon at the Kingussie Court House. There are to be 8 CC members with 4 at any meeting forming a quorum.
Andrew Kirk made a plea for people to put their names forward.
PLANNING: Someone had questioned the pavement width at the site of the new houses – Woodlands. This is being checked by HC and CNPA.
TREASURERS REPORT: Charles Miller reported there is £3,042.97 in hand.
GOLDEN SPURTLE COMPETITION: Charles Miller reported that events are ongoing, there are 5 entrants for the Silver Spurtle, the budget is on target and 11 nations are competing.
CARVE CARRBRIDGE: Gavin Gerrard gave his report on the days events, explaining that this was the wettest year ever. There were 1800 through the gate and the standard of carves was the best ever. However as a result the takings would be reduced. Congratulations to Colin McKenzie and Bill Lobban who intervened when a last minute hitch occurred with the Insurance for the day, he persuaded Zurich to reconsider, which they did and the day was saved. Also following requests from CC the Traffic Light operators very kindly suspended work. A big thank you to all volunteers.
SENIORS CHRISTMAS LUNCH: The paperwork for the data base 2018 was held by Kate Adamson and lodged at her house; this is now being gone through. If anyone is going to be 65 before Christmas please keep any CC member informed. The decision was made that the 10th December 2019 would be the date; Colin Watt has kept the cost the same for a good number of years. Grateful thanks to him. A letter will be sent to everyone we believe are eligible. Transport will be offered.
PAYPHONE; George Dyer reported that as agreed the CC had appealed the decision to remove. There was a suggestion to put the Defib. in it if the phone is removed.
Charles Miller stated that some of the street lamps need painting, Iain Campbell some are requiring replacement as some are rotten.
Bowling Green; Robert McInnes will clean the changing rooms on Monday.
Asbestos; Alice Buttress stated the last test will be at the end of October and the path will be resurfaced at the beginning of November.
Hazel Moody had asked about a H1 Housing Meeting on 11th October 2019. Andrew Kirk knew of no such meeting being planned but would find out.
Bill Lobban reported that the Scottish Government is giving money to large villages, but HC will give to smaller villages.
Climate Change: What could be done regarding carbon neutral? Bill Lobban is a committee member of this group but there has not been a meeting yet.
Meeting closed at 8.28p.m. Date of next meeting to be confirmed.