Minutes from Community Council Meeting 25 April 2019
Thursday 25th April, 2019 at 7.30p.m.
Andrew Kirk (Chairman), Alice Buttress, Kate Adamson (Secretary), Robert McInnes,
Bill Lobban (Councillor) and David Ritchie.
In attendance:
David Williams, Lorraine Anderson, Denise Stott, Liz Bishop, Fiona Angella and Heather Davidson (Minutes)
Simon Robertson, Lead Project Manager and Louise Anderson, Community Liaison Manager from Southern and Southern Electricity Network.
Andrew Kirk welcomed all to the meeting and introduced Simon Robertson to give details of the works that are being carried out in the area, he went on to explain that the overhead lines are being upgraded and the bases of the pylons need to be reinforced with rocks (these will be removed when the works are finished, probably in November).
He apologized for Carrbridge CC not having been informed of this work, although Tomatin and Boat of Garten CC’s had been, this, he said, was a complete oversight. Liz Bishop from Slochd also had not been notified and felt the disruption had been going on for weeks and was concerned regarding the railway bridge, Mr Robertson apologized to her and arranged to make her the point of contact for all residents at the Slochd and reassured her that when the works are completed any damage would be repaired. Some local residents, including Lorraine Anderson and David Williams were very concerned regarding the amount of Lorries driving through the village, Mr Robertson informed the meeting that an alternate route had now been arranged and all vehicles would be entering and leaving the sites from Kinveachy Junction via the A95. When the works are completed the rocks that were used to reinforce the road to the pylons would be removed. Mr Robertson agreed to keep the CC informed by giving monthly updates.
Andrew Kirk then continued with the meeting.
Apologies: George Dyer and Charles Miller
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 28th March 2019 were approved by Alice Buttress and seconded by Kate Adamson.
A9 Dualling: The CCC ,Boat and Aviemore CCs ,THC and CNPA objections stand particularly with regard to the lack of a multi user path.
Speeding: The matter of the 3.2.1. anti speeding sign issues have not as yet been resolved. Denise Stott asked if costings could be provided, she had contacted John Beaton two weeks ago to remind him and feels the matter is going on too long, especially as the meeting was held in January. Bill Lobban said he would chase up.
Yellow Lines: Keith Bootle reported that over the past year people are parking over his driveway as the yellow lines do not cover his driveway, as his house is only partially yellow lined people are parking on the road and on the pavement, this he feels is very difficult for wheelchairs, buggies and the partially sighted. His wall has also been damaged, he has to use cones which solve the problem but they sometimes disappear. He has no issue with yellow lines and asks if the yellow lines could continue to include his driveway. Bill Lobban said he would enquire if this could be done at the same time as the road painting that was to be done later in the year. He was asked about the request for a 15 minute parking maximum on the bridge, Bill Lobban said it was unlikely this year and added this could not be enforced until traffic warden is on site. Lorraine Anderson wants everyone to park in the car park but Alice Buttress felt that local businesses would suffer if no parking on the road. Robert McInnes stated that the Roads Engineer will be back to check on the yellow lines situation and these matters will be discussed with him. David Williams added that parking on any pavement was breaking the law.
Development: The residents of the village had until the 21st May 2019 to submit comments on the Carr Road Development on the Boys Brigade/Bulls Field . The CC have to submit their comments by 28th May 2019. (After the meeting CNPA agreed to a further extension to 31st May to allow the CC submission to be read out at the May 30th CC meeting) The main concern is still the inadequacy of Carr Road to take 47 extra houses worth of traffic and pedestrians. Andrew Kirk went on to explain that the current Local Development Plan (LDP) for this area H1 is 72. The next LDP 2020 to 2025 is for 36 houses but only on half the field. At the pre planning presentation at the village hall where around 60 households attended Andrew Kirk felt that locals were generally not unhappy about the houses in this plan but again really concerned about the inadequacy of Carr Road itself. Kate Adamson reported that the HighlandCouncil roads people have stated the road is suitable to carry that amount of traffic. David Williams asked if a new road could be built instead of using Carr Road. Robert McInnes stated that this had been the original plan but had been dismissed due to ecology reasons.
Playpark: It has been suggested that another dog poo bin be installed in the carpark, Bill Lobban will check on this and the blue bin which was to be installed in the Car Park, maybe one large one or two smaller ones. These bins are really needed as Denise Stott pointed out there were 5 Camper Vans parked up last night.
Treasurers Report: Andrew Kirk gave the Treasurers report – £5,079.93 in hand. The Annual Accounts have been sent to VABS. Jigsaw income is now going into CC a/c .- £180.00 this month. as playpark project which was through Carr Bridge Ahead now completed. Once again thanks to David Ritchie for underwriting this.
Golden Spurtle: No report as Charlie Miller, convener, was away but all progressing.
Planning: Plans submitted for Mullochard Farmhouse which was burned down to be rebuilt; there is no issue with this.
Planning application 2019/0034DET beside Spinney. Andrew Kirk stated that this matter is now in the hands of the Scottish Government with the Reporter and the matter is still being considered by them. Bill Lobban added the applicant had appealed on the grounds of lack of decision by CNPA.
There had been concerns that CCC had not followed the right process on this application and having taken advice Andrew Kirk read out the following statement-
On the actual planning application, taking note that the village, on the planning portal, was divided roughly 50/50 for – including the Business Association, the Spar and Post Office, and against – near neighbours and others, we (CCC) agreed to a ‘neutral’ comment summarising for and against views. We minuted at the CC meeting that we would be submitting a neutral comment. I read out our proposed comment, and indeed we agreed to amend it slightly following a suggestion from the floor; however this submission was not recorded in the minutes. This we now rectify.
CVCC submission to CNPA on 2019/0034DET planning application.
Carrbridge and Vicinity Community Council are concerned for the viability of the hotel, the lack of village parking, the employment of staff and that other businesses might benefit. We also share the concerns over the tree felling, the fact that this area is outwith the local plan agreed settlement boundary and the representations of the immediate neighbours including Mrs White and her son.
We were given a presentation by Mr Watt, June 2018 where we were supportive of his overall concept of the development and vision for the hotel but without reference to any planning application. Regarding our accepting an invitation last June to learn more of what the Carrbridge Hotel planned for the future, the presentation focused on concerns for the viability of the hotel, their vision of improvements within the hotel (which we were asked not to talk about for reasons of business confidentiality with the hotel’s competitors) the problem of lack of parking with more conference and function business, and the impact this would have on the village. We knew the CNPA would not just change the boundary but agreed to find out. I received a phone call immediately on receipt of the email from the park where we were told nothing could or would happen until a planning application was submitted. We knew that residents at that point would have ample opportunity to comment on an application. As there was nothing that could be done by anyone until an application was live we dealt with other issues.
Our view is that our submission in March 2019 on the planning application surely supersedes any prior correspondence”.
Denise Stott stated she had sent a letter of complaint to the Scottish Government Appeals Reporter objecting to the lack of due process regarding the car park issue and other things and how the applicant dealt with this matter. Shewent on to say there was a mistake in the process and specifically asked what the CC were going to do, she felt that this was not deliberate but it was a major failing.
Andrew Kirk said he had spoken to Gavin Miles, CNPA and our submission to the actual planning application supercedes any previous correspondence.
Liz Bishop added that the start of the whole process was on the Sunday in mid January when the trees were felled. Andrew Kirk said he was alerted and was there at 2.00p.m trying to communicate with the tree fellers but most of the trees were down. David Williams asked if anything was being done to prosecute. Andrew Kirk reiterated that the CC is not privy to this information.
Old Bridge: Alistair Stewart, Project Officer , Highland Council Property and Facilities Management has commissioned a Principal Inspection Report of the Bridge. The findings we will be told in due course.
Trees on the Road South of Carrbridge: Liz Bishop queried why the trees could not have been felled at the same time as the pipe laying and traffic lights. Apparently the trees had to be felled due to the roots being damaged at the time of the pipe laying which hadn’t been expected replied Andrew Kirk.
1 Football Field: Grantown on Spey under 13’s Football Club want to use the field between 6 – 7p.m
Robert McInnes will take this forward.
2. Housing: Denise Stott enquired about the new housing development opposite Landmark and stated the sign said “Housing open to anyone in the National Park” Bill Lobban replied that anyone on the Social Housing List can apply. There are houses for sale, help to buy and shared ownership
Meeting closed at 8.50p.m.
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday, 30th May 2019 7.30 pm