Community Council Minutes 22 February 2018 DRAFT
Thursday 22ND FEBRUARY 2018 at 7.30p.m.
Present: Andrew Kirk (Chairman), Alice Buttress, Robert McInnes, Charles Miller, George Dyer, David Ritchie, Kate Adamson, Bill Lobban (Councillor).
In attendance: Iain Campbell, Denise Stott, Douglas Stewart, Martin O’Reilly, Karen Derek (VABS), Heather Davidson (Minutes).
Apologies: Alan Rankin.
MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 25th January 2018 were approved by Alice Buttress and seconded by George Dyer.
It was pointed out that the date was wrong on the minutes for January 2018 and should have read 25th January 2018.
MATTERS ARISING: Andrew Kirk introduced Karen Derek (VABS) to discuss procedures between Carrbridge Ahead (CBA) and the Community Council, the issues being: Minutes and Monies, Office Bearers, Cross-over points. She suggests that there should be separate meetings and more protection regarding activities held in the village. George Dyer stated that the Carrbridge Ahead meetings were open to the public, Kate Adamson informed the meeting that this is not necessarily so, the Board can invite the public to a meeting and felt that the constitution should be checked. Bill Lobban pointed out that Office Bearers are held liable and there is no protection for the Community Council. Martin O’Reilly asked where the accounts for Carrbridge Ahead are held and who the current Office Bearers are. Kate Adamson informed him that Companies House will give all information. Andrew Kirk informed the meeting that Peter Monroe is the CBA accountant. Martin O’Reilly said he couldn’t find on Companies House but Kate Adamson said it was there –she had seen it.. Charles Miller stated that all information regarding finances is in the AGM accounts.
PLAYING FIELD: Andrew Kirk stated that three exploratory holes that have been drilled to assess drainage problems. There is also a suggestion to raise the ground. John McLean HC has sent out tenders to suppliers for £44,000 for equipment 25% of the cost came from the Community Company and 75% was raised from the Improvement group . The event held at the Carrbridge Hotel raised another £1,000. Andrew Kirk praised the group for all its fundraising. Bill Lobban added that the Ward Discretion Budget may contribute and it would be a pity to have less equipment due to monies raised being used for drainage.
SPEEDING: Bill Lobban informed the meeting that in Badenoch and Strathspey a 20mph speed limit through all villages is to be decided upon at a meeting on 7th March 2018. Liz Cowie organized a meeting with all communities to discuss the matter, it was suggested to move traffic signs further out. The worst road in Carrbridge for speeding is from Inverness Bill Lobban went on to explain that the traffic had reached back up to 40 45 mph by the time they reached the triangle. Denise Stott reiterated her points made at previous meetings regarding the speeding out towards Duthil. A neighbour of hers was frightened when somebody overtook him whilst turning off. She suggests a flashing sign on exit as a reminder. Bill Lobban explained that if you see someone driving carelessly and dangerously get the registration number and inform the police, but 20mph would be a huge benefit. Andrew Kirk asked when, or if this is passed, will it happen, Bill Lobban replied he did not know but if the Private Members Bill goes through it will happen. Martin O’Reilly made several other suggestions – all have been discussed before.
WEB DOMAIN NAME: Alan Rankin who was leading this matter was unable to attend the meeting due to unfortunate events at home.
A9 DUALLING: The suggested NMU has been deemed useless by many. A Carrbridge public survey is ongoing regarding an off road route towards Aviemore. Charlie Miller raised the point that the creation of the survey did not follow due process and that it should have been ratified at a full council meeting. This was noted
GRIT BINS: Bill Lobban explained that it is unlikely the village will get any more due to many factors.
UNLICENSED TREE FELLING: The Forestry Commission knows who owns the land and are pursuing the owners.
DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Andrew Kirk stated there was to be a meeting in the Village Hall on 2nd March 2018 with CNP, the main issue that worried people was housing in the Boys Brigade field opp Carr Place. In the Dev Plan the area has been reduced to just the field but with the same number of houses -72. The Scot Gov Reporter deemed that 36 houses only should be built on this land, but due to an administrative oversight this decision has been dismissed. A response will be sent to back . George Dyer said that a letter had been sent out to the residents of Carr Road/Place by someone in Carr Road as they felt they were not being listened to. Charlie Miller felt that this is a time sensitive problem and separate responses as well as a response from the Community Council should be implemented. David Ritchie queried if the extra houses were needed to fund a pumping station. Charlie Miller outlined the traffic issues; George Dyer stated that the Scottish Office people had claimed that Carr Road was a perfect example of a rural road. Charlie Miller and George Dyer to collate the response to CNPA.
TREASURERS REPORT: Alan Rankin ,unavoidably absent but gave balance later as £9,796.62 .
PLANNING APPLICATIONS: The entrance and exit at the planned housing development at H2 has been measured by George Dyer and Charles Miller and no concerns . There are concerns about the suds pond and the drainage of water.
Carrbridge Toilets are to be chargeable; Bill Lobban informed the meeting this will be discussed with further consultation.
The fence round the Railway has been finished and a good job has been made.
Struan House Hotel is causing problems with some local residents who reported to Robert McInnes that the rendering is now falling off in chunks. HC safety officer is to be contacted to investigate. A Housing Association is still interested apparently stated Andrew Kirk.
Bill Lobban explained that during the coming year for a few weeks there will be no trains due to engineering works to increase the double track at Aviemore, buses will be brought into use.
Charles Miller requested £200 to purchase the wood to make the spurtles for the World Porridge Making Competition, this was granted. The spurtles generate quite a bit of income.
Martin O’Reilly is very happy with the road repair carried out by the council at his house but the pavement is still running with water.
He went on to say that when his house was converted from a garage he had sunlight but now no sunlight gets through due to the amount of trees. Electric lines run through the trees and he asks if these could be cut back for sunlight. Bill Lobban stated that it is HC policy not to cut down trees; Martin O’Reilly replied that having a right to light is a legal point. He was advised to contact the appropriate services.
Denise Stott brought up the subject of litter especially on the path to Lochunhully where she found half bottles of Vodka, Coke cans and general litter, she asked if there was an official litter pick, she was informed by Andrew Kirk that this happens in May. Bill Lobban is to take forward a ‘Recycle on the go Bin’ for the carpark.
Martin O’Reilly is concerned about the Caravan Pitches over the river at the Croft and wonders if more are planned in the adjacent croft, Bill Lobban advised getting in contact with the HC Planning Department.
Meeting closed at 8.58p.m. Date of next meeting, Thursday 29th March 2018