Thursday 30th August, 2018

in the Village Hall at 7.30p.m.


Andrew Kirk (Chairman) David Ritchie, Alice Buttress, George Dyer, Kate Adamson (Secretary), Robert McInnes, Bill Lobban (Councillor) and Charles Miller.

In attendance:

Denise Stott, Jan Carlyle, Lorraine Anderson, Hazel Moody, Colin Watt, George Thompson, Stuart Dickson and Heather Davidson (Minutes)

Andrew Kirk welcomed all to the meeting.

Apologies:  Alan Rankin.

Minutes:  The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 26th July, 2018 were proposed by Alice Buttress and seconded by Robert McInnes.


Playpark:  The installation of the playpark equipment will go ahead on 10th September 2018.  In response to an e-mail from Clare Lake, Headmistress of the Primary School regarding excessive dog mess on the playpark, Some volunteers will cleaned up the playpark.

Website:  George Dyer reported that three ,Village,Carve and Porridge  are up and running with just a bit of tidying up to do.

A9 Dualling:  There has been a notification letter that on 21st September, 2018 between the hours of 11am – 5.00p.m. there is a Public Exhibition in the village hall, all are welcome.  Sam McNaughton, Transport Scotland, will be on hand to answer questions.  The draft orders for compulsory purchase has been advertised in the Edinburgh Gazette, P and J, Inverness Courier.

The route of the NMU, or lack of , is a concern. TS say it is not feasible to put the NMU close to the A9. Denise Stott informed the meeting that anyone can make comments up until 9th October 2018.

Stuart Dickson expressed concern about farm vehicles exiting Dalrachney Beag having to turn right and proceed to triangle prior to proceeding north on Inverness Road.  He felt farmers should not be so constrained and advised he had a meeting arranged with Transport Scotland

George Dyer felt that there would have to be a change from the west.   Stuart Dickson continued that the farmers need access and should not be constrained.

Lorraine Anderson asked if a noise barrier is going to be erected .   Andrew Kirk reiterated that concerns needed to be raised with Sam McNaughton after viewing at exhibition.

Development Plan:  H1 land opposite Carr Place has been halved for 36 houses to be built, the Community does not want 72 which would be the amount if half the field has 36, leaving half the field for another 36.   Andrew Kirk is surprised that the community is not able to comment at this stage.

The community is able to comment however on the proposed addition of allocated land beside Landmark ..   6 Community Councillors met with Danny Fullerton and Mr Hayes of Landmark to discuss this.Seafield Estate are in agreement to allow this but want Landmark to take a large parcel of land, but Landmark only want part of it.   The concerns are what happens when and if Landmark changes hands, the CC agrees to the extra land with the proviso that a good buffer between the Railway and the land Landmark would use.   Landmark are good neighbours but the worry is for the future.  Lorraine Anderson asked who would zone the area.   Andrew Kirk answered it would be the National Park.  Denise Stott asked why is Seafield doing this. Charles Miller answered that this is an irregular plot and the wood is bad.  Denise Stott went on to say that could only the piece of land required by Landmark be zoned.   George Dyer put this point to Danny Fullerton but got the answer that Seafield wanted all zoned.  It appears that it is all or nothing according to Seafield Estate.

Andrew Kirk added that the trees are of very poor quality, Robert McInnes queried could anybody else build on this land, Andrew Kirk explained that currently it is zoned for forestry so it could be clear felled but not built on.Landmark wants it rezoned for recreation and tourism.   Lorraine Anderson asked if this land is within the village boundary, Andrew Kirk replied no currently. Everyone has until 21st September 2018 to respond to the Park.

The majority of the CC agrees to the extra land with the proviso that it is used as a good buffer between the Railway and the land Landmark would use.  Alice Buttress is not happy with the extent of the land zoned going into the development plan.

Tom na Clach:  The Turbines are on the move now with no apparent problems.

Treasurers Report:  Charles Miller reported there is £4,043.68 in account; £97.99 has been paid in error the same as last month , this was Porridge entry fees. These would be transferred to CBA

Duck Race:  George Dyer was happy to announce that this went well and £1000.00 was cleared and paid into Carrbridge Ahead.  Fairwinds Hotel were corporate winners and letter of thanks had been received  from Cilla Laing on behalf of chosen charity MacMillan Nurses.”

Carve:  George Dyer reported there are 24 carvers ready to go.   The weather is to be good and there will be a blitz on the field on Friday 31st August 2018.

Porridge:  This is progressing well.

Planning Applications Received:  Nothing to report.

Defibrillators:  Scottish Ambulance Society wants to log every Debfibrillators, in the village Charlie Miller taking this matter forward.

CC Scheme:   Kate Adamson informed the meeting there is a questionnaire to complete which the CCrs would do next week.

Snakey BridgeThis needs attention, some of the railway sleepers have rotted away and is becoming dangerous, this is not a Core path but is used by many, it has been repaired previously by David Ritchie, Robert McInnes will investigate the repair along with Tommy Moody.

Bursary:  Andrew Kirk received an e-mail from someone who was being critical of the whole thing.  George Dyer added that it is up and running but needs someone to take it forward.   Charles Miller asked if there is a Bursary Committee, George Dyer answered yes. Charles Miller replied that if a Committee is in place it should be able to proceed.   This matter will be discussed further with those concerned.

Data Protection:  It would appear that there is to be a charge of £40.00 for this, but Charles Miller, who has studied all the paperwork states no.  We will register but state that we are exempt from paying the fee.


  1. David Ritchie produced an item retrieved from a skip namely a shield awarded to anyone who wrote news items which were published, but with this being done by e-mails now the shield is not awarded anymore. The last persons name on the shield was Carol Ritchie in 2007, so it was decided to give it to her.
  2. George Dyer stated that it had been put to him that owing to the Village Hall having a new kitchen perhaps the Pensioners Christmas Party could be held there.   This would need a firm of caterers to carry this out for 100 people.   Andrew Kirk added that the Carrbridge Hotel has held the price of the Christmas Dinner for the past amount of years and it was decided to continue going there.
  3. Charles Miller showed the meeting a picture of a 3D model of the Bridge made by Tim Longly who was enquiring if the CC would underwrite this. The decision was no.
  4. Riverside Path, Alice Buttress informed the meeting that COAT have trimmed up bushes along the path.
  5. Peter Randall of Bog Roy is still concerned about the water lying on the road outside his house , flowing onto his driveway which is getting destroyed.
  6. Robert McInnes was approached about Struan House Hotel again and what is happening to it, he explained all the efforts that the CC had done to get this resolved, explaining that Albyn housing are interested.  Bill Lobban added that the only possibility is the Council and Albyn Housing, but it takes a long time and a Compulsory purchase is a very long process. Andrew Kirk feels frustrated at not being able to see any details in black and white. Bill Lobban stated it is still down to the owner.
  7. Denise Stott queried the recycle bin at the car park, not the one that was asked for, this was to be a recycling bin. She went on to bring up the subject of the planting at the roadside on Grantown Road, the plants are a mess and she wondered who was responsible for the upkeep, she is very happy to tidy this area up but is not putting her life at risk.   Bill Lobban will contact Community Services to put a warning sign when she does this work. All thanked her for this .

The meeting closed at 8.35p.m. Date of Next Meeting:  Thursday 27th September 2018 at 7.30p.m.