Community Council Minutes 31 January 2019
Thursday 31st January 2019 at 7.30pm
Present: A Kirk (Chair), D Ritchie, C Miller, A Buttress, Cllr B Lobban, G Dyer (Minutes)
In Attendance: D Stott, H Moodie, D Williams, L Anderson, WPC Clare McLellan
Apologies: K Adamson, R McInnes, H Davidson
Minutes of Meeting 25/10/18: Approved GD/AB
AK opened meeting by apologising for the failure to minute the resignation from the Community Council of A Rankin .
Matters Arising: A9 Dualling –
NMU – CNPA have confirmed their objection to non provision still stands, despite recent promise that money available to carry out survey. This is because no promise to provide NMU as a result of survey. AK to attend a meeting organised by CNPA with Sustrans ,Grantown , Boat and Aviemore CCs and Carrbridge NMU working group on 13th Feb on the way forward.
Cohesive Communities – On Agenda for meeting of Community Councils on 5th March (2 representatives to attend).
Website – G Paschke and M Green are looking after the business side of this and M Green with help from others is making a start on the rest. Grateful thanks to her.
CVCC email Address – [email protected] has now been rolled out.
Speeding & Police Report:
WPC McLellan confirmed that Police Scotland now endorsed Community Speed Watch schemes and confirmed to D Stott that she would access further information on existing schemes in Fife and in the Black Isle. She confirmed that any scheme would be self funded, with a 3 person team operating with speed gun, hi vis vests and appropriate road signage. She undertook to advise the Area Commander of the aspirations of Carrbridge.
It was confirmed that THC intended repainting centre line , slow down markings and count-down signs on Grantown Road as at the other entrances. D Williams pointed out that Inverness Road still had a speeding problem, despite flashing signs. C Miller queried the cost effectiveness of such signs and he wished to record an objection to the cost of such signs without hard evidence that they work. D Stott strongly requested an additional flashing sign outbound on Grantown Road. WPC McLellan later advised that 10 persons had been charged with speeding offences in the village over the last 2 weeks and that marked and unmarked cars were in operation.
Treasurer’s Report :
At end of December there was £4623.93 in account. It was agreed that after costs, all future jigsaw income would be paid into CC account. Once again thanks to D Ritchie for underwriting this fund raising.
Ward Discretionary Grant:
BL advised a reply was required by end February in respect of £500 award. It was agreed to request money towards costs of signage for Golden Spurtle outside Village Hall and entry to village (approx cost £600). AK to advise Ward Manager.
Carve Carrbridge:
Progressing issues
Golden Spurtle:
No objections have been received so far in respect of Trade Mark application. (Note: TM confirmed 8th February 2019). CM advised that the organising committee all had their tasks and that a draft budget was almost complete. He sought CC support for their activities, which was given. Budget will be brought before Carr Bridge Ahead.
Christmas Party:
All agreed that it had been very enjoyable, with 91 attendees. There were requests for a thought to be given to a change in the entertainment format.
Planning Applications:
“Glamping” Pods down Bogroy – Cllrs agreed to leave to planners, but letter to be sent in respect of poor visibility/access at junction with main road.
H1 proposal in draft LDP – Comments are encouraged by end of April.
H1 application under current LDP – an outline application is imminent on this and it is anticipated that there will be information/advisory sessions soon, prior to full application.
Landmark Car Park, Landscaping – A Buttress unhappy about number of trees felled
H2 Development – THC have asked for suggested name for development.
Any Other Competent Business :
Capercaillie Project – Open information events are being held in Village Hall on 7th and 9th February.
Scheme for Community Councils – Cllrs asked to make any comment on proposed changes to A Buttress.
The meeting closed at 8.55pm
Date of next meeting Thurs 28th Feb