Community Council Minutes 25 January 2018 DRAFT
Thursday 25th January 2018 7.30p.m.
Present: Andrew Kirk (Chairman), Bill Lobban (Councillor), David Ritchie, George Dyer, Kate Adamson (Secretary), Charles Miller and Alice Buttress.
In attendance: Mairi Brown, Liz Bishop, Lorraine Anderson, Rebecca Badger, Jan Carlyle, Carol Walsh and Heather Davidson (Minutes) Ian Howes and Kate Crerar from CNPA.
Apologies: Alan Rankin and Robert McInnes.
MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 30th November 2017 were approved by George Dyer and seconded by Alice Buttress.
MATTERS ARISING: Playing Field – Mairi Brown and her team have to be commended for
Gathering substantial monies towards the play park with an input from the CC/CBA of 23%. There have been and are continuing to be money raising events, i.e. Bacon Butty morning in the village hall. A Disco at the Carrbridge Hotel and Tesco counters and have managed to raise £43,000. There is still concern regarding drainage and the foundation.
John McLean from HC has been approached but to date no answer on the drainage problem has been given. Bill Lobban went on to say that there is no guarantee that HC will do the work but will set up a plan as to how to do it. HC will do drainage perhaps as Carrbridge owns the playpark. Mairi Brown is concerned that HC are closing playparks, but it was pointed out by Bill Lobban that HC are only closing playparks that are not used. There was a general discussion round the room regarding discretionary funding, budget etc. Bill Lobban concluded that any committee able to raise this amount of money deserves to get assistance.
Development Plan – Ian Howes CNPA gave an explanation regarding the Local Development Plan with a report for the 2020 policy in the park area.
He went on to say that this would be done in stages giving residents time to respond so as to discuss key issues, kites preferred options new and some existing. Lorraine Anderson was interested in Boundary Lines – can they be crossed, Ian Howes responded that plans would be given due consideration. There is to be a meeting in the village hall to let residents drop in and view the plan. It was decided that an evening meet would be better and that a suitable date would be publicised in due course. Several other issues were discussed i.e. Croft Land, Sawmill Site and the development plan going forward.
Speeding – Andrew Kirk asked Bill Lobban for an update on the speeding issues of the village, he replied that the whole of Badenoch and Strathspey are having the same problem and that the Scottish Government is keen to accelerate 20mph signs instead of the present 30mph in all villages. Regarding the problem raised previously, he informed the meeting that there are more speeding vehicles on the Inverness Road than the Duthil to Carrbridge Road. There is a possibility of 20, mph on Station Road, Carr Road and the main pedestrian areas. Several other suggestions were made.
WEB SITE: Alan Rankin leading on this matter, George Dyer reported that three companies are being considered and have yet to be interviewed.
CHRISTMAS PARTY: Andrew Kirk was pleased to announce that this was a grand occasion and extended many thanks to Colin Watt and his team at the Carrbridge Hotel. 97 attended the function. The Account has been settled and Steven Blair is kindly removing the Christmas tree from the Triangle.
A9 DUALLING: Andrew Kirk stated that the response to the Blackmount Junction was well received. The suggested NMU cycle route to Aviemore was deemed not acceptable and further discussions will take place.
TREASURER’ S REPORT: There is £9,895.62 in the Current Account.
PLANNING: There is nothing to report from the weekly e-mails.
GRIT BINS: Some local residents are requesting extra Grit Bins around the village; this may be possible with the filling of a form. Bill Lobban to pursue.
TREE FELLING: Concern was raised regarding the Tree Felling next to
The Spinney by the Golf Course. The Forestry Commission and others has been informed of this and are following up the matter.
HOUSING MEETING: Andrew Kirk and other members of the CC attended a housing meeting, the CNPA are encouraging communities to purchase land and manage the sites, and this proposition was not met favourably. Charles Miller needed clarification regarding refusal of a Council property, Bill Lobban informed the meeting that you can refuse 3, but there is a National Housing process and although concerns for locals not being successful he stated that the majority of lets are to local people.
He went on to explain that extra points are given for a good reason to be in Carrbridge, i.e. family, work etc.
INSURANCE: Kate Adamson explained that HC no longer did insurance the Insurance but we have to deal directly with Zurich. All members were in agreement.
FUTURE VILLAGE PROJECTS: Charles Miller thinking to the future, when monies received from the Wind farm are available, would like these monies to go towards village projects i.e. owning our own Windmill, installing a Hydro Pump in the river for electricity. Bill Lobban stated that the Gynack Burn at Kingussie has a Hydro Scheme. Charles Miller felt that there is a possibility of free electricity for the village.
Charles Miller suggested an initial mail drop inviting the whole village to voice their requirements. Liz Bishop added that Tomatin, due to Wind farm monies allows all school transport costs to be paid and the pupils travel for free.
A.O.C.B. Kate Adamson informed the meeting that there is a map of the CC area on the HC web site.
Meeting closed at 8.54p.m. Date of next meeting Thursday 22nd February 2018