Our Theme for 2017 – 18 is Go in Love.
Our meetings always begin with an act of worship, before the speaker takes over and we end with refreshments.
Our Theme this year is “What does the Lord require of you? Called to walk humbly with God”
We support 6 Guild Projects at the moment. The Church of Scotland Guild have currently raised over £370,000 over the last 2 years for.
“On the other side” which supports the Family Visitor Centre at Perth prison, which aims to stop re-offending by giving support to the families.
“A new hunger” which aims to provide a nutritious sustainable diet for those with HIV/AIDS which is essential if their antiviral drugs are to be effective.
“Terrify no more” which is working with International Justice Mission in Cambodia rescuing children and young people who have been trafficked and put into prostitution.
“Mission run” supporting Mission Aviation fellowship who fly medical supplies and food along with personnel in Madagascar.
“Interfaith support” working on 3 Projects in Israel/Palestine trying to enable different faiths to work together.
“A place of hope” training counsellors in mediation to help with conflict within congregations.
Everyone is welcome to our meetings and social events.
Please look at the Church Notice Board for details.
For more information see Church of Scotland Guild.
New area in Community
Church Soup Lunches in Carrbridge Church Hall 12 – 1.30 pm.
Every month 3rd week alternate Tuesday or Thursday.
Details on Village Notice Boards.