Community Council Documents

Carr Road construction

  Carr Road Construction ************************ The Community Council have setup a group coordinated by James Bracher to liaise with the construction site on Carr Road. Through this we have created a google form to collate any issues that residents may have so that a collective…

CVCC Chairperson’s report 2021

Chairperson’s Report 2021/22 (Helen Deery) Although another year of uncertainty with the pandemic and which direction that may take us as a Village and indeed as a Community Council, we have been incredibly fortunate that the planning put in place in the early days of…

CVCC Mtg minutes – 28th April 2022

MINUTES OF ZOOM MEETING OF CARRBRIDGE and VICINITY COMMUNITY COUNCIL (CvCC) Thursday 28th APRIL 2022  PRESENT:   H Deery (HD)[Chairperson], A Kirk (AK), A Buttress (AB), Councilor Bill Lobban, A McNeilage (AM), J Bracher (JB), G Dyer (GD), C Miller (CM) IN ATTENDANCE:  N Liley, J Walsh, M…

CVCC Meeting Agenda 30th June 2022

Carrbridge & Vicinity Community Council Meeting Agenda Location: Zoom – virtual meeting *Registration required for all attendees, for online security purposes, registration must be in advance. *This can be done by contacting [email protected] you will then be sent a link and password 24 hours prior…