Thursday 25th November 2021

PRESENT: H Deery (HD)[Chairperson], A Kirk (AK), A Buttress (AB), D Stott (DS), Councilor
Bill Lobban, A McNeilage (AM)
IN ATTENDANCE: M Brown, G Gerrard
APOLOGIES: C Miller (CM), J Bracher (JB), G Dyer (GD)
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 28th October 2021 were agreed as accurate by
DS and AB.

Acronym — Meaning
CNPA— Cairngorm National Park Authority
CvCC— Carrbridge and Vicinity Community Council
NMU— Non-Motorized Users
CBA— Carrbridge Ahead
THC — The Highland Council

The decision on any declarations lies with the individual Community Councilors.
HD declared interest in the Struan House
AB declares interest as member of Capercaillie Group and bowling club.

The treasurer’s report was reported by AK on behalf of CM, who was not present.
The funds as of 25th November 2021 are total of £3846.62.

OAP Christmas Party
The CvCC is providing a £15 gift voucher, and not holding the OAP Christmas Party this
The voucher will be,
– redeemable at local businesses including Old Bridge Garage, Carrbridge Hotel,
Carrbridge Spar, Istanbul, Cairn, and Landmark.
– valid until 31 January 2022
It was positively recognized that the voucher is beneficial to local businesses.
AK and HD are finalizing the vouchers design, redemption rules and print.
The Istanbul has additionally offered a £100 donation in recognition of the support
received from the community in starting up their business.

20mph and Traffic Calming, Road Markings & build outs
20 mph traffic calming on Carr Road
DS previously reported several objections had been submitted to THC against the proposal.
Craig Irvine had communicated he anticipates decisions will be made in February. The
CvCC has requested that the Tulloch housing developers consider previous and alternate
options in their deliberations.

Temporary 20mph zoning
DS previously reported it is anticipated signs and poles will be erected in the coming
weeks. However, there is no sign of the signs or poles yet.
While communications with THC have been good, frustration over THC delay in progress
was expressed.
In lieu of progress, the CvCC discussed whether cosmetic measures could be taken to
reduce probability of speeding. For example, cut outs of police or planting.

Community Council Progression, co-opting and membership
CvCC requires a quorum of 4 to hold CvCC meetings. As numbers of members reduces
there is an increase in the risk the CvCC may not be able to meet quorum.
With the retiral of R McInnes from CvCC the CvCC is 1 member down. How the position
might be filled was discussed. The main challenge identified was a lack of known
candidates. The discussion considered how to stimulate interest reviewing, advertising the
position, and directly approaching potential suitors. The discussion led to a further option
of showcasing CvCC and local initiatives to attract and identify motivated and community
minded individuals.

HC repair schedule challenge
The CvCC expressed its frustration that despite repeated requests for action in local repairs,
action to resolve issues is often elusive.
The CvCC recognized the number of voices lobbying an issue could be increased if
individuals in the community raised issues directly with THC. Issues raised directly with
THC are logged.
Bowling Club Fence & Gate state of repair
As has been discussed in previous meetings the current fencing and gate remains in a bad
state of repair.
Struan House Hotel Plans
HD took no part in the discussion on this item.
The deal to purchase the property has not yet gone through. To the best of his knowledge
Councillor Bill Lobban informed that the Scottish Government has approved, and process is
in place.

Councillor Bill Lobban took no part in any planning discussion.

Windfarms updates
Fred Olsen Renewables Windfarm have locally circulated by post details of their proposed
development (with further information available at www.lethenwindfarm.co.uk).

Tom na clach windfarm application continues to progress through the planning system.

Smithy Croft, Station Road
Proposal for a new house at Smithy Croft, Station Road has been approved by the Scottish

Matters outstanding
NMU (non-motorised user route)
AK reflected on the positive press statement:
“A preferred route has been chosen for the NMU between Carrbridge and Aviemore.
The preferred route starts on the eastern side of the B9152 at Dalfaber Drive continuing
north where the route then crosses at Granish Junction from the eastern side of the B9152
to the western side of the A95. The route continues along the western side of the
A95/B9153 until Carrbridge.

Minister for Transport Graeme Dey said:
“The Scottish Government is committed to promoting active travel in Scotland and making
sustainable travel choices easier for all. As part of that commitment, Transport Scotland is
working with the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA), The Highland Council (THC),
Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership (HITRANS) and Sustrans to deliver the
Aviemore to Carrbridge NMU route.​

Last year we let local communities, cyclists, equestrians and walkers see and comment on
the emerging route options. Following further design work, an assessment of the route
options and feedback from the virtual consultation, we have now identified a preferred
route. This is a significant milestone for the project, and we look forward to continuing our
positive work on this project going forward with CNPA, THC, HITRANS and Sustrans.​​​

The next stage of the process is to obtain planning consent and the necessary land and
rights to construct the NMU route. We will be undertaking another public consultation
event in Spring 2022 in advance of submitting a planning application and I would urge
anyone with an interest in this scheme to engage with this event to provide the project
team with valuable feedback and local insight.””

AK felt this was a positive and public sign of progress and recognized the impact of the
ongoing efforts of the community in supporting the NMU.
DS verified the NMU has a link on the planning website.

CBA/CvCC Funding Pathway
Joint discussions between CBA and CvCC have proposed CBA ring fence funds for CvCC.
The proposal resolves CvCC having liability for funds. Processes for implementing the
proposal are being finalized.

Village path consultation
An update from the Capercaillie group is expected in the coming days on their website.
The consultation concludes on 7th November 2021.

The CVCC response was
Carrbridge & Vicinity Community Council welcome this opportunity to
respond to the proposals put forward by the Capercaillie Group. After due
consideration, we would submit the following comments on the proposed
We would suggest that the proposals be advanced in the following order and
for the given reasons:-
Location 5 – Roadside Path at south of village: this path is very narrow and
normally wet and boggy, proving very difficult for the elderly and those with
buggies and push-chairs. Improvements to the path on both sides of the road
would greatly improve the connectivity with the network of paths around the
Location 6 – Snakey Bridge: this well-loved local feature has been “repaired”
​several times in the last 10 or so years, but is very dangerous if wet and is a
barrier to many people’s use of that part of our woodland path network.
Minor repairs have been accepted by the owners of the land, but we feel that
a more formal approach is now needed to construct something which will
increase its use and benefit to many.
Location 2 – Riverside Path: we are totally in favour of this proposal for this
very popular walk. Action to counteract flooding events is to be encouraged.
Location 4 – Ellan Woods (Landmark): tidying up and reducing the visual
impact of the sub-station is very welcome.
Location 3 – Ellan Woods (Village Hall): this entrance to the woods could
certainly be made more visually appealing.
Location 1 – Historic Bridge Viewpoint & Entrance to Riverside Walk: much
work is required here to tidy up and improve the viewing area access and its
environs. In certain conditions the steps can be extremely slippery. Whilst
some judicious pruning of the snowberries would enhance the visual aspect
of the bridge, there are concerns about the safety and security of the
adjacent banking. Improvements to the entrance to the riverside path would
be welcomed, including upgrading the fencing bordering the riverbank. The
participation of other stake-holders (The Highland Council, Historic Scotland
etc.) would no doubt lead to the possibility of further funding being accessed
to permit this work to be further developed. This particular project is the
subject of very mixed opinions and much more work and discussion is

– Could the CvCC meeting be a hybrid of Face to Face and Remote? This would support
greater accessibility but has technical challenges to overcome (such as internet
connectivity and hardware set up).
– Request for funding of the Children’s Party was received. CvCC voted in favor of
supporting provision of £300.
– A member of public had complained about the damaged track behind landmark.
Landmark will repair the path after their works are complete.
– There is funding of £230k available within this financial year to support local projects in
Badenoch and Strathspey. It is possible that £150k will be made available each year for
the next 4 financial years. Funding must be approved within each financial year.
It was recommended that any application be submitted prior to March 2022 (for this
financial year’s allocation).
The official awareness of this fund was given after Octobers CvCC meeting.
– Christmas lights have been ordered and the Christmas tree has been delivered.
– Plinth to recognize R McInnes’s service in CvCC has been ordered
– A winner of the fruit basket from Janice Mclaughlin will selected by a draw.
– For awareness M Brown reported that effort was underway to identify key stakeholders
to discuss how community consultation on the ‘strategic plan for Carrbridge’ might be

27th January 2022 at 1930hrs