Thursday 28th APRIL 2022

 PRESENT:   H Deery (HD)[Chairperson], A Kirk (AK), A Buttress (AB), Councilor Bill Lobban, A McNeilage (AM), J Bracher (JB), G Dyer (GD), C Miller (CM)

IN ATTENDANCE:  N Liley, J Walsh, M O’Reilly



The minutes of the meeting held on 31st March 2022 were agreed as accurate by GD and AB.


CNPACairngorm National Park Authority
CvCCCarrbridge and Vicinity Community Council
NMUNon-Motorized Users
CBACarrbridge Ahead
THCThe Highland Council
VABSVoluntary Action Badenoch and Strathspey


The decision on any declarations lies with the individual Community Councilors.

  • AB declared interests in Capercaillie Group
  • HD declared interest in Struan, due to proximity


  • CM reported CvCC funds as of 28thApril 2022 are a total of £3067.03. The accounts are ready to present at AGM in June.


Proposal of New Community Council Member

Nigel Liley was proposed by HD as a potential new community council member.

HD provided Nigel’s background introduction,

“I’ve lived in the north of Scotland for 7 years now having relocated with work from Hertfordshire to Aberdeen in 2015. I moved to Carrbridge 18 months ago and fully intend to remain here for the foreseeable future. I’ve been employed by Highland Council for over 4 years and I’m a Fostering & Adoption Social Worker – I’m a father to 3 adult sons; they live in London and Manchester.

My interests are football, walking and wildlife – being out in the fresh air. Social inclusion/social justice is a subject I’m fairly passionate about and I’m involved with a couple of local charities supporting those needing a little help.

I’m excited to be considered as a potential member of the Community Council. I think I will bring a listening ear and a diplomatic and pragmatic approach to the membership team.”

The 4 voting members (GD, AK, CM and AB) voted 4 of 4 in favor of the proposal, and Nigel is now a Community Council Member.

 Planning updates

There was no formal update and Councillor Bill Lobban took no part in any planning discussion.

It had been noted that the Tom na Clach windfarm had submitted application to build and operate some taller replacement turbines. 30th May is the closing date for response.

Plans for the Struan have been approved

Lethan Windfarm has received objections from CNPA and THC.

Carrbridge Village Paths

AK advised awaiting report from the community action plan before further discussion.

M O’Reilly plans to meet with stakeholders after the community action plan has been reported.

M O’Reilly noted there is some urgency to clear downed trees from the riverside path area, in order to stabilize the path.

M O’Reilly recognizes there are significant costs associated with upgrade of surrounding village paths and will explore funding options.

Community Resilience Plans

GD shared that 2 meetings had been held (by R Walker) and a draft plan was submitted to THC. The submitted plan provides a template that will need to be managed over time to capture emerging risks and their evolving responses.

There are ongoing discussions regarding the possibility of an emergency generator to provide electricity in times of outage.

 Carr Road/ Bull field development

Councillor Bill Lobban took no part in any planning discussion.

Safety concerns were raised (by Community Councilors, and J Walsh) regarding the volume, time of day and speed of construction traffic on Carr Road. These concerns have further been received from residents of the village.

Claire Lake has requested that works traffic operating in Carr Road between 0800 – 0900 and 1400 – 1630 be reported to her for escalation, as this may breach conditions. J Walsh noted a concern that this does not cover the early Primary School finish on a Friday of 1245.

Additional concerns were raised,

– There is an apparent lack of policing of regulations for such a major works.

– The diversion from and closure of the council road by the site.

– Limited passing space on the temporary road.

– Erosion of Carr Road by the increase in heavy traffic.

– Lack of action on a linking path between site and village

AK and CM proposed CvCC needs to take a lead role in supporting liaisons between the community and site manager.

JB as CvCC member will support effort to establish a liaison group, and with support from HD put together a timeline action plan.

Village Cycle Maintenance Column/Tool Station

JB has identified the funding body Cycling Scotland (who had funded Kincraig’s tool station). The funding deadline is 23 May 2022.

JB had identified that wider funding might be available to further foster a cycle friendly community and network.

Strategy is to make the initial application for Cycle Maintenance Column/Tool Station. Then later identify future opportunities.

GD advised checking in advance if any planning requirements existed.

Home for Ukrainians

HD was aware of local interest in supporting refugees with accommodation.

Councilor Bill Lobban identified Hazel Chisholm at THC as a person involved in handling related enquiries.


Planning has been passed for development to 10 flats.

HD raised that work would likely be delayed until October due to nesting bats.

The CvCC has been asked to choose a name for the development. AK backed the name Struan Court.

HD provided background to the word Struan having the gaelic meaning of an underground stream.

The CvCC voted 6 of 6 in favour of the proposed naming.

The CvCC will explore option to mount a plaque at the site explaining the buildings history.

Carrbridge action plan

JB had met with Gavin Gerrard to review how plans be advanced.

JB noted that a draft plan is anticipated by end of this week.

JB and Gavin had discussed defining governance structure, roles and responsibilities in managing and authorizing projects.

 Road Marking/ 20mph Traffic Calming

GD noted that the speed indicator East bound on Grantown road has been installed and 3,2,1 markings have been added at the South entrance to the village.



HD has raised to THC (Mark Smith) concern over road markings at Kinveachy Junction.

· AB notes refuse collection is moving from Thursdays to Mondays. AB raised a potential challenge with both brown and other bins being collected on same day causing obstruction due to bin clutter. HD suggests monitoring the situation.

· HD had followed up again after receiving further request for update on resolving the poor state of repair of the fence between bowling club and football pitch. Having been discussed with BL at previous meetings.

o Councilor Bill Lobban has raised the issue with THC, but due to limited budgets feels the resolution may not be expedient.

o HD speculated that funding from other sources might expedite.

o AK suggests this might move perceived/ongoing responsibility from THC.

· GD will communicate to Frank Law confirmation that the memorial bench was approved at a council meeting. This will allow Frank to progress efforts with the bench.

· AK raised that the agreement for managing monies between CvCC and CBA is due for review and approval.

HD thanked Nigel Liley for joining the community council and reminded there is an open position for an additional member.

· AK notes that the tires fly tipped at side of the road near the Slochd have been removed.


· GD informed that Network Rail had notified Station Road residents they will be carrying out works over the next 3 – 4 months.



30th June 2022

  • AGM to start 7.00pm
  • CvCC to start 7.30pm