CVCC Meeting Minutes 31/3/22
Thursday 31st March 2022
PRESENT: H Deery (HD)[Chairperson], A Kirk (AK), A Buttress (AB), Councilor Bill Lobban, A McNeilage (AM), J Bracher (JB), G Dyer (GD)
IN ATTENDANCE: G Gerrard, M O’Reilly, F Angella
The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd March 2022 were agreed as accurate by GD and AB. The meeting had been re-scheduled as result of Covid related challenges.
Acronym | Meaning |
CNPA | Cairngorm National Park Authority |
CvCC | Carrbridge and Vicinity Community Council |
NMU | Non-Motorized Users |
CBA | Carrbridge Ahead |
THC | The Highland Council |
VABS | Voluntary Action Badenoch and Strathspey |
The decision on any declarations lies with the individual Community Councilors.
- AB declared interests in Capercaillie Group
- CM reported to AK CvCC funds as of 31stMarch 2022 are a total of £3271.05.
Planning updates There was no formal update and Councillor Bill Lobban took no part in any planning discussion.
GD advised that the Smiddy Croft applicant had applied for full planning permission. There were local concerns in respect of the treatment of two conifers in close proximity to the property.
Carrbridge Village Paths No formal update Martyn O’Reilly asked that the CNPA be prevailed upon to review money to support local paths development which had been allocated to Carrbridge by the CNPA Capercaillie Project and had been proposed by the Carrbridge Capercaillie Group for their paths improvement proposals. AB agrees path improvements are needed. However, speaking as a member of the Capercaillie Group, they concluded that their consultation did not provide a sufficient mandate for them to progress the Capercaillie groups path proposals. As a result, the opportunity had passed and the circumstances acknowledged by the project board and HLF. GD noted, the CvCC had previously asked CNPA to re-evaluate support for path improvements surrounding Carrbridge. Martyn suggested CvCC re-approach CNPA for monies in view of the significant interest found during the community consultation. Councilor Bill Lobban recommended contacting the Access Officer for the CNPA. Martyn queried whether THC had funds to support path improvements. Councilor Bill Lobban thought they did not. Martyn queried whether THC would permit paths to be improved with alternate funding. Councilor Bill Lobban recommended a proposal to THC would be required. Martyn agreed to support further effort in driving action for local path improvement. Fiona Angella had reviewed accessibility of local paths with Able 2 Adventures and had made observations where changes could be made.
Community Action Plan/Resilience Plans A 1st meeting reviewing the Carrbridge Resilience Plan has been held and GD estimates 2 months for plan delivery.
Carr Road/ Bull field development Councillor Bill Lobban took no part in any planning discussion. HD had met with the Roads Officer (Mark) from THC about traffic calming measures on Carr Rd. HD emphasized the discussion did not relate to work at the site. There had been objection to ‘Buttons’ as traffic calming measures on Carr Rd and there is a submission in process to replace these measures with pillows (which are raised sections of road rather than speed bump), as they cause less disruption to pedestrian traffic. CvCC has previously lobbied the Roads Officer over Lorry speed, traffic light positioning and pedestrian provision in Carr Road. The roads officer has been responsive, and limit has been adjusted to 10mph Timescales for any further revised action plan are unknown. GG suggested the developer consider bringing forward plans for a path between the site and the village car park, reducing the risk to pedestrians from the proximity of lorry traffic. AK will run this suggestion past Gavin Miles.
Road Marking/ 20mph Traffic Calming HD presented that most of the requested road markings have been completed and new speed limit signs had been installed at village entry points (the old speed signs were also removed) by THC contractors. Still awaiting speed indicator East bound on Grantown road.
Associate members guidance JB is data gathering inputs to draft guidance.
Village Cycle Maintenance Column investigation There is a bike maintenance column (tool station) in Kincraig. JB is looking into how Carrbridge could apply for a similar facility as it would support the significant biking community in the area.
Village fundraising for Ukraine CvCC noted the outstanding coming together of the community (at short notice) in support of the crisis ongoing in Ukraine. · >£4k was raised from this event plus the quiz held at The Cairn. · 1991.8 miles were recorded as travelled by participants (biking, walking, ..) CvCC thanks all those who organized and supported the event, including the local businesses who donated raffle prizes.
AOB · Denise Stott has stepped down from CvCC but will continue to support as an associate.
· THC has started tidying the EllanWood Road wild area
· GD has followed up on the Charlie Ross memorial, which was agreed in principal at Jan 2022 CvCC meeting. GD has an estimate of £800 for a memorial bench to be positioned where Charlie Ross’s caravan had previously been sited. CvCC voted and approved this spend.
· JB asked if there is a desire for central point of contact in village for any future support to Ukraine (and refugees). HD will look further into this.
· AK o Bowling club, insurance has been paid. o Bowling club president has asked if usage of sports changing rooms for storage of football equipment is acceptable to CvCC. AK proposes CvCC has no issue and that a key be provided to organizers of the junior football team. o AK has been approached about use of the football pitch for league games. After discussion, the CvCC agreed the request be further explored by AK and JB to better understand requirements. o AK recognized and gave CvCC’s thanks the support CvCC has received from Liz Cowie who is planning to retire from THC soon.
· GG asked if the CvCC had any objection to the bowling club pavilion being used as facility for the Carve event competitors. There were no objections, and GG pursue further the request with other stakeholders.
· Capercaillie signage had been seen in the woods. It was asked whether there are available plans for where signs will be positioned. AB highlighted that those responsible for placing the signage face concerns that officially releasing this information might disclose locations of leks, CNPA Rangers / Seafield Estate should be contacted if further information regarding signs is required.
· The Croft Old Bakery Coffee Shop is due to open its doors in the coming days. The CvCC wish the Coffee Shop all the best.
· Fiona asked whether the toilet block (at Car Park) is planned to reopen. Councillor Bill Lobban says yes, but the timeline is unknown. The CvCC recognized this as a prominent issue for the village and asked that Councillor Bill Lobban follow up with Head of Amenities (for estimate of timeline). Appended note: Post meeting Councillor Bill Lobban communicated to AK that the toilet block had been repaired and was due to reopen (in the coming days). |
27th APR 2022 at 1930hrs
07th April 2022 amendment, to minutes of Feb 2022 CVCC Meeting, held on 2/3/22, clarification has been requested on the Muckrach Forest pre planning application. Due to circumstances the notification had not been actioned in the normal manner and the CC were made aware of the matter as a result of the query by Linzee Duncan.