PRESENT:   A Kirk, A Buttress, G Dyer, C Miller, D Stott, J Bracher, H Deery, Cllr W Lobban

IN ATTENDANCE:  C Robertson (CNPA), A Ford (CNPA), D MacDonald (CNPA), F Law, B Murray, M Paschke, G Gerrard, M Moe, A Gray, L Jolly, I Inglis, M O’Reilly, D Jeffrey, M Brown.


DECLARATION OF INTERESTS:  AK explained that members of Council would declare any relevant interests at the beginning of each meeting.  CM intimated membership of Capercaillie Group and of RSPB, AB membership of Capercaillie Group and NMU group, HD intimated previous voluntary work sponsored one day for Caper group and JB was involved with 20 MPH working group and also NMU.

MINUTES OF MEETING 8th December 2020:  Agreed as accurate – AB/CM.


STRUAN HOUSE HOTEL:  It was noted that the Compulsory Purchase Order for the Struan had been approved by the full Highland Council on 7th January.  Negotiations were taking place, albeit affected by Covid.  In response to HD, Cllr L advised that some form of sheltered housing could be possible, as could a mix of accommodation allowing the freeing up of some current accommodation.  The use of the site for a community hub model was also suggested. WL advised things were at an early stage, but all things could be considered.

NMU (cyclist & walkers route off-road):  GD reported that a response had been submitted to Transport Scotland advising that we favoured a direct route from Kinveachy to Aviemore, with work on the Kinveachy to Carrbridge section to commence as soon as possible.

COVID HELPLINE:  This community support system is still in operation, mainly being used for pharmacy pick-ups.  AB reported comments received from villagers who were very appreciative of the service provided.  DS requested that a plea be made on Carrbridge social media outlets that second home-owners comply with legal requirement to stay away.

TRAVELLING PEOPLE:  AK advised that those currently occupying the old woodyard had been given 28 days’ notice that they must vacate the site.  Thereafter, the owners had advised that they would be securing the site.

CAIRNGORMS CAPERCAILLIE PROJECT: CR & AF gave presentation on scheme to date, projecting through to 2023.  There had been a significant drop in breeding success and it was believed that numbers were down to below 1,000.  Questions were asked about number of meetings held and who attended, what were financial benefits to Carrbridge when £100K was supposedly allocated locally.  CR agreed that no Carrbridge resident had been selected to work on the project, but reported that money would be spent in improving the condition of certain paths locally. CR repeated she was willing to meet with those with concerns.  MOR asked that it be minuted that “There was a statement asking why Dr Bath had sent police to my house. The police were sent to my house because I was anti capercaillie conservation. I would like to say, and for George to minute it clearly, that I am not against capercaillie conservation and if anybody else makes a further public statement I will take legal action against them”

ELLAN BRIDGE:  AK reported that the works required following the 6 yearly survey had been completed.  The work had been funded by CNPA, Carrbridge Ahead and CC.

ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR:   AK reported that graffiti and wanton damage to the village toilets had been reported to Police Scotland who had promised additional patrols.  WL was asked to ascertain whether suitable materials could be provided to allow us to carry out remedial action.

GRIT BIN REQUEST: A request for additional salt storage bins, including one for Ellanwood Road had been submitted to THC under their Winter Resilience Scheme.  WL reported that THC had received additional funds to assist in supporting the scheme.

CLIMATE CHANGE:  WL advised that he had no further details to report.  GG had spoken to the THC officer dealing with this issue, but he had limited time and resources to carry forward.  GG felt that something should be done and suggested the setting up of a Climate Café in order to start a conversation and encourage community involvement.  WL reported that CNPA had a fund to boost green energy and other initiatives and suggested we contact them for further information.  MB advised Carrbridge News would be the ideal vehicle to advertise any new initiatives.

SCHOOL 20 MPH SIGNS FAILURE: AK reported temporary signs had been provided by CC, with two still available.  New funding had been accessed by THC and 114 units had been purchased, with installation planned by end of March.

SPEEDING & ROAD SIGNS: DS reported that new road markings were delayed due weather conditions.  A new 30 MPH sign had been erected by the developer in the wrong location at Orchid Place, with the old sign still in place.  This would be covered up and WL would raise with Roads Dept.

20 MPH & TRAFFIC CALMING: WL confirmed it was intended to have 20 mph speed limits on main roads in all communities in B & S for a trial period of 18 months. He confirmed that although a trial, the speed limits would be legally enforceable.  JB gave more details of roads to be covered by trial and advised that he would like to expand the current group of mainly parents to encompass a wider group to further the consultation process.  It was reported that traffic calming measures are being investigated at this time. CM asked  that the 20 group review where the 2 spare signs leftover from the flashing light exercise could be positioned

PLANNING: DS reported that CC had objected, with 8 others, to the Smithy Croft planning application.  There were still concerns about drainage in the Orchid Place development and discussions continue.   Cllr WL took no part in this section.  Concerns raised at number of “party houses” in area, but it was pointed out that there is currently no legislation on their activities.  There is an ongoing Scottish Government consultation on the subject.

TREASURER’S REPORT: CM reported funds are £4,869.43 with £237 having been spent on 20 MPH signs.


OURAK WINDFARM – AK reported that this proposed development was on the A939 NE of Grantown and our main concerns would be use of A938 as access for site traffic.           LETHEN WINDFARM – Fred Olsen Renewables have requested attendance at next CC meeting to make presentation on this proposed development.  Agreed and details to be sent.

FATBALLS INITIATIVE –  AK reported on Kerrie Dickson project.

PATHS & PAVEMENTS – BM raised concerns about the state of some woodland paths and the narrow pavement near Kinchyle on the main road. CR advised there could be money from Capercaillie project to improve some paths.  The narrow pavement had been noted by THC official scoping 20 MPH measures required and a chicane was one possibility, thereby allowing construction of a wider pavement.

COMMUNITY FACILITIES: BM requested that enquiries be made about grant assistance in building outdoor leisure facilities, such as in Tomatin.  MP pointed out the benefits of outdoor facilities, the work involved in their implementation and the requirement to access funding.  DS reminded all that we are in the very early stages of our current windfarm funding and of any future sources, such as Lethan.  LJ sought more consultation on community benefits in the future. CM made the point that the existing community facilities were underused making it difficult to justify any new facilities.

CM reported that the Caper group was looking at opportunities to improve paths around the village with the Riverside Walk being one they were looking at as an early gain for both villagers and visitors.

OLIO: HD updated on work of Olio organisation under Donna Murray’s leadership, who are reducing waste by distributing unsold food locally.

AK closed the meeting at 2116.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  Thursday 25th February.