Agenda – Zoom meeting 28th January
Thursday 28th January 2021 at 7.30pm – Meeting will be held online by Zoom
Registration required for all attendees.
For online security purposes , all attendees are requested to register in advance.
This can be done by contacting Charlie Miller by email at [email protected]
You will then be sent a link and password 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Please do not pass this link on to anyone else.
If a name is not listed on the register they won’t be allowed in.
We would respectfully ask that you identify yourself by audio and video .
If you want help with Zoom Charlie is very happy to talk you through it so do contact him.
The ability to raise questions at Community Council meetings during the Pandemic is difficult, as the presumption is that people should attend the public meeting.
However recognising that virtual meetings like Zoom are daunting and technologically difficult for some having taken advice we will introduce something new.
From that cannot or do not wish to attend the zoom meeting questions can be submitted in writing to the CC secretary – [email protected] preferably a minimum of 24 hours before the Zoom meeting .
However if the questioner attends the meeting they should ask the question themselves. The question and response will then be minuted .
People present , apologies received and any declarations of interest
Minutes of Meeting 8th December 2020 – agreement and signing
NMU – non motorised users ( cyclists and Walkers) route separated from cars and lorries- Carrbridge to Aviemore
Covid Helpine 01479 722101
Travelling people- Old Wood yard
Cairngorms Capercailiie project – Andy Ford/Carolyn Robertson
Ellan Bridge
Anti social behaviour
Grit Bin request – Ellanwood Road
Climate Change
School 20mph flashing sign failure
Speeding- 3,2,1- 30 mph signs and refreshing of road markings
20mph – traffic calming – James Bracher
Minute Secretary position
Planning – West end application 20/04751/PIP
Orchid Place 30 mph signs reposition
Crannich/Orchid drainage concerns
Treasurers report –Charlie Miller
Questions from the public present and submitted by those not present.
Date of next meeting