Carrbridge Community Council News Update July 2020
Due to Covid 19 restrictions, under the direction of The Highland Council, it has not proved possible to hold an open Community Council meeting since February. This does not mean that everything has ground to a halt. Your CC Councillors are in regular contact by…
Cancellation of Community Council Meeting 25 June 2020
This virtual CC meeting is now cancelled. The meeting has to be public, which this one was not. We organised this one in good faith but procedurally it cannot go ahead which we accept. No minutes could be taken or decisions made. Currently there is…
Agenda for Community Council Meeting 25 June 2020
This meeting has been cancelled. For more information see the Cancellation Announcement. CARRBRIDGE & VICINITY COMMUNITY COUNCIL AGENDA Thursday 25th June 2020 by Zoom 7pm Community Councillors and Bill Lobban only as first CC online meeting. (This is within HC Covid guidelines) Community Councillors…
Carrbridge Community Hotline and Coronavirus assistance
Carrbridge Helpline: 01479 722101, 8am to 8pm This is to let you know that community of Carrbridge is working together and coordinating a group of verified volunteers, who are available to support anyone who is vulnerable and in need during the current Covid-19 outbreak. If…
Carrbridge Response to Covid-19 – 22/03/2020
The village is finalising efforts to set up volunteer support. There will be posters up soon in the Spar, Garage and Notice Boards. It will also be on Facebook Carrbridge News and the Carrbridge website. This notice will give phone numbers of who to contact…
Action and Support for Communities in Badenoch & Strathspey during the current outbreak of Covid-19 in Scotland and the UK
This is a joint message from Highland Council Elected Members for B&S, Liz Cowie (THC Ward Manager) and the VABS Team. We are getting in touch to reassure you that we are all working very hard to keep everyone safe in the community and within…
Community Council meeting 26th March 2020 – CANCELLED
Our March meeting is cancelled due to the current situation – the Community Council will continue to operate by email and phone . Although we are required to agree the previous months minutes at the next meeting before publishing, in the circumstances, we have decided…
Public Consultation Suspended for the Off-Street Car Parking Policy
Email received by Carrbridge Community Council 17th March 2020: Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to let you know that a decision has been taken to suspend the public consultation phase of the car parking project – including the drop-in sessions. This is to enable staff…
Response from The Highland Council 17th March RE Coronavirus COVID 19 advice and guidance
Email below received from the Highland Council 17th March. Dear Community Council RE: Coronavirus COVID 19 advice and guidance I appreciate that a many of you may have questions relating to the developing picture around COVID 19 and how you as a Community Council should…