Minutes of Community Council Meeting held on 27th February 2020
A Kirk (Chair), A Buttress, C Millar, M O’Reilly, R MacInnes, G Dyer (Mins), Cllr W Lobban
D Williams, D Stott, L Anderson, C Robertson, J Rice
MINUTES OF MEETING 30th January 2020: Approved AB/RMcI
Community Council Elections – there are two vacancies available for co-option. Agreed to advertise via posters and social media.
A9 NMU Route – WL reported that THC had just received from CNPA a copy of a letter from Transport Scotland agreeing to their paying for the construction of an NMU from Carrbridge to Aviemore. As a result, THC and CNPA will be withdrawing their objection. CCC will also, once in receipt of confirmation.
Speeding – speed sign and erection will cost £1750, although Roads Dept are not in favour. CC have money to cover and also £500 from discretionary grant. JR complained about failure to carry out full agreed programme last year and advised the matter was being taken up by local MP. WL advised that work would be carried out this summer.
Landmark Flooding – a recently dug trench appeared to be relieving the situation, as water was now flowing more freely.
Dalnahaitnich damage – NTR
Woods Path Work – work completed to everyone’s satisfaction and some remedial work carried out on approach road.
Street Lighting – GD thanked WL for arranging to have Station Road light repaired.
Struan – very slow progress reported by WL.
PLANNING: permission refused by CNPA for proposed hut in Badengorm Woods.
FINANCIAL REPORT: CM reported funds of £3,657.84 which included our annual grant of £501.12 and Ward Discretionary Grant of £500.
GOLDEN SPURTLE: CM advised that Hamlyns had that day confirmed their continued support at last year’s level and that his budget was now complete, having been approved by Directors of Carrbridge Ahead. The MC and Judges were settled and entries were now open.
Charges in Public Car Parks – THC had initiated an online survey on proposals to introduce charging in public car parks with over 15 spaces. Initial thoughts were sought prior to full consultation. CM agreed to coordinate responses from councillors and would submit a negative response timeously. All present were opposed to the introduction of charges, quoting lack of on-street parking, “scaring away” of visitors, use by Church and village hall users etc. Amongst other suggestions were charging of campervans, fitting of charging points, use of “green” buses at transport “hub”. Despite assurances from Cllr Lobban, JR was still concerned about the promise of further consultation not being kept.
VE Day Celebrations – as a community, Carrbridge would not be participating.
Path in Carr Woods – T Burleigh had been advised that the path is no longer part of NC7 and that we would be waiting until after thinning of the plantation before seeking repairs to the path.
AB reported that the mysterious white substance found in Glencharnock Woods was in fact flour marking out a Hash Run.
CM was advised that the “Cul de Sac” sign for Manfield Place was being investigated by THC.
RMcI raised subject of Fairwinds path improvement and it was agreed to raise with CBA.
CM raised continued non-appearance of Police representative at CC meetings. AK reported that 2 Emails had been sent, but no reply received. He would make further approach to senior officer.
MO’R advocated purchase of equipment which would permit live streaming of events from Village Hall and Playing Field. He agreed to investigate costings etc further.
DW was concerned about apparent increase in heavy traffic driving through the village at excessive speeds.
CR reported that the new Community Ranger was Tom Cole, who would start work in late March.
DS had grave concerns about state of A938 east of Ptarmigan. WL advised her to write to Roads Dept, whose maintenance schedule was already in place.
The meeting closed at 2040 hrs. Date of next meeting is 26th March 2020.