Agenda for Community Council Meeting 28th October 2020
Carrbridge & Vicinity Community Council
Wednesday 28th October 2020 at 7pm
Meeting will be held online via Zoom
Registration is required for all attendees
For online security purposes, all attendees are required to register in advance. This can be done by contacting Charlie Miller by email at [email protected].
You will then be sent the link and password 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Please do not pass this link on to anyone else. If a name is not listed on the register, they won’t be let in.
People present and apologies received
Minutes of Meeting 27th Feb 2020– agreement and signing
(these however have already been published on the Notice Boards/Spar and website as the March meeting was cancelled due to lockdown and it was agreed by CCrs that these should be seen in March due to the crisis.)
Matters Arising:
- Co option of Community Councillors
- Covid 19
- Cairngorms Capercaillie Project
- Cemetery Bin
- Carve Carrbridge
- Golden Spurtle
- Ellan Bridge
- Fence by Garage
- A9 dualling
- NMU to Kinveachy to Aviemore
- Remembrance Sunday
- Seniors Christmas party 2020
- Christmas street lights and tree
- Speeding- 3,2,1- 30 mph signs and refreshing of road markings, 20mph – traffic calming – proposed survey request
- Struan
- Minute Secretary position
- Planning:
- Carr Road houses plus street name
- Mast B9007
- Woodlands opp Landmark
- Treasurers report
- Date of next meeting