Thursday 29th August, 2019

In the Village Hall at 7.30p.m.


Andrew Kirk (Chairman), Alice Buttress, Robert McInnes, George Dyer, Bill Lobban (Councillor) and David Ritchie.

In attendance:

John Kirk (CNPA), Jan Carlyle, Iain Campbell, Fiona Angella and Heather Davidson (Minutes).

APOLOGIES:   Charles Miller

Andrew Kirk opened the meeting with the sad news that Kate Adamson (Secretary) had passed away, he commented that for one so small she did a huge amount for the village and will be sadly missed. It had been suggested that this meeting be cancelled as a sign of respect but Kate would not have approved!

MINUTES:  The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 27th June 2019 were approved by Robert McInnes and seconded by George Dyer.


A9 DUALLINGNMU ROUTE:  An e-mail has been received from Transport Scotland regarding an exhibition in the Village Hall on 26th September 2019 between 10.00a.m.- 4.00p.m.(subsequently changed on request to 2pm to 6pm) to show three NMU routes George Dyer stated that there has been 3 letters asking if CC want to withdraw their objection, the answer was no.   Andrew Kirk reiterated that a separate route away from the dualled A9 and the old A9 is what is required. John Kirk was in total agreement.

SPEEDING:  We are still waiting for 321 countdown signs, and the refreshing of the slow road markings.   George Dyer informed the meeting that there is still not an estimate for the purchase of a electronic sign.   Andrew Kirk is concerned that winter will soon be upon us and this matter will still not be resolved.

FLOODING – LANDMARK:  John Walker, affected resident and on behalf of neighbours has been in contact with HC , copying in CC, and was disappointed that no contact in person had been made with those householders affected.  Iain Campbell added that Landmark’s most recent solution was a trench that the water will run up, rather than down.    Mr Campbell’s garden is just a soggy mess and he is concerned that it will not improve.

OLD BRIDGE SURVEY:  This needs another survey due to the recent flood, pre flood the recent done inspection said only routine maintenance needed weed removal and mortar pointing repair. It may be gabions will be constructed upstream of the bridge to divert large debris from the bridge structure. It was also stated in the report that the viewing platform steps need attention and to close off direct access to the Bridge.   Bill Lobban asked the CC if they want to close off access and perhaps an effort to close off the Bridge would deter people walking over it and jumping off it. The CC broadly agreed although felt it would be difficult to stop whatever barricade was constructed.  Alice Buttress pointed out that water is coming through the holes in the Bridge and pointing is required, David Ritchie added that this has been done before very successfully.   There is a panel broken on the fence at the garage side and Victor Sandilands is to be asked to replace this.   Iain Campbell remarked that it would be a shame not to be able to see the piper on the bridge.

DALNAHAITNACH DAMAGE:  Due to the recent flooding the HC reacted very quickly and put the burn back. The Bridge and road is the HC responsibility.   Spey Fisheries have complained they want the rivers to flow on a natural course that the river chooses and work has had to stop while a licence to divert the river back is applied for by HC..  The road to Dalnahaitnach is an adopted road but the car park belongs to the estate.  It is hoped the estate will restore the car parking area at the end once the HC have finished.

RIVERSIDE WALK:  A good chunk of this had been washed away and repairs are a work in progress, Robert McInnes reported that Steven Blair did some repairs the next day making it ok for wheelchairs, but more material is required and it need tidying up.   Prices for repairs are to be obtained; Robert McInnes will take this matter forward.

CAR PARK WASTE BIN:  It appears that the bottle bank is full and overflowing and hopefully it will be emptied soon.  Andrew Kirk wonders how difficult it would be to get an extra bin, but as previously reported this needs to have a solid base.  John Kirk suggested that Camper Vans should maybe pay for overnight camping in the Car Park.  Bill Lobban will discuss this with HC.


1.George Dyer reported that the objection to the hut in the woods has been upheld

2.Regarding the new house build at the Old School House at Duthil we submitted a letter of support.

3.Colin Watt has removed his appeal to utilise the woods next to the Spinney.

4.John Wilson submitted plans to put Velux Windows in his garage, this was agreed.

5.John Kirk reported there is to be a Planning Meeting in September regarding the 47 houses to be built in the Boys Brigade Field at Carr Road.  Andrew Kirk is very surprised the CC has not been informed of this meeting, John Kirk was asked to clarify this date. ( subsequently the CC were informed by CNPA this was now November or December as they were waiting for HC road reports.)

TREASURERS REPORT:  Charles Miller sent his report:

The bank balance stands at £3,500.   The big ticket items since last report are:

Gateway signsDesign£ 60.00


Fixings£  37.20


The cost of the Gateway signs is offset by a Highland Council grant of £500.00

Currently there is £136.00 in the account for contestant’s porridge fees.   This will be transferred to the CBA account once the trickle has stopped.

WORLD PORRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIP;  Charles Miller sent his report.

Preparations are ongoing.   Still need a great deal of work in respect of the junior event, the meet and greet and the preparation of the programme.   Funds are healthy with income so far of over £4,000.

DUCK RACE:  George Dyer reported that a draw had to take place due to inclement weather, there was a profit of £810 made and there is £40 still to come in.

SENIOR CITIZENS LUNCH:  Due to the death of Kate Adamson we are working on a 2017 Data Base, this needs to be updated and all invites distributed.   Andrew Kirk called on all present to assist with this matter.

PAYPHONE; Notification has been received that the village payphone is to be removed, 113 calls have been made in the last 12 month period, the feeling is we should object, Ian Campbell added that there could be a lot more calls as transferred calls are not counted. George Dyer to file objection.


1.Carve Carrbridge takes place on Saturday 31st August 2019. Today traffic lights at Bill the taxi’s house have been erected and are not in sequence with the ones at the south side of the village, Andrew Kirk is to speak to someone on site to see if they could come to a halt until Monday, George Dyer is to speak to Tulloch Development to see if cones could come down on the pavement at Crannich Park for the day of Carve.

2.Robert McInnes reported that there has been a complaint from Millie Powell, Mannfield Place about cars turning and is concerned for the children of Mannfield Place, a No Through Road Sign would help. Bill Lobban will progress.

3.The path alongside the road at Crannich crossing into Carrwood is very wet and getting worse, this is a core path.   Bill Lobban suggested getting in touch with Access Authority/Scottish Water perhaps a leak has occurred when the electric cables were laid across the road and broke the pipe.   Andrew Kirk will contact Douglas Stuart.

4.Capercaillie project : There is to be a questionnaire sent round the village regarding the project, this is being organised by Alistair Bath and Monica Engles.

The meeting closed at 8.30p.m.Date of next meeting:  Thursday 26th September 2019.