Minutes from Community Council Meeting 28 March 2019
Thursday 28th March, 2019
in the Village Hall at 7.30p.m.
Present: Andrew Kirk (Chairman), Alice Buttress, George Dyer, Kate Adamson (Secretary), Robert McInnes, Bill Lobban (Councillor) and Charles Miller.
In attendance: Martyn O’Reilly, Jan Carlyle, David Williams, Lorraine Anderson, Jacqueline Rice and Heather Davidson (Minutes)
Andrew Kirk welcomed all to the meeting.
Apologies: Nil
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 28th February 2019 were approved by Charlie Miller and seconded by Robert McInnes
A9 Dualling: Andrew Kirk reported that following CC and other lobbying Transport Scotland are undertaking a study into a potential Non-Motorised User route between Aviemore and Carrbridge. They have appointed an engineer to do this. The CC welcomed this. A letter was received by TS asking that our objection to the A9 plans –Dalraddy to Slochd – be withdrawn but the CC declined. Bill Lobban reported that no other CC and also THC had withdrawn their objections either.
Speeding: Bill Lobban does not agree with the response to the 20mph rule by HC, he went on to say that the Scottish Government is dragging its heels on this. It is up to the HC to decide on the 20mph, Craig Irvine the Area Roads Engineer to be contacted re this matter. Andrew Kirk said the 321 countdown signs and ‘slow’ road painting have been promised later in the year. George Dyer feels that due to HC budget constraints perhaps the CC may find the monies to resolve the matter on the Grantown on Spey Road regarding an electronic sign. Bill Lobban reminded the meeting that anyone traveling over 30mph is breaking the law. Robert McInnes reiterated the question of 40mph at Lochanhully. Bill Lobban commented that changing the signs would not be a great expense, but these delaying tactics by the Scottish Government are over the whole of Scotland.
Development: H1 –Andrew Kirk reported that around 80 people attended the pre planning event in the Village Hall.This was for 48 houses. Nothing further can be done until we see an actual planning application. Robert McInnes is still concerned about the amount of additional traffic. Andrew Kirk stated that the submission for the 20/20 Development Plan had to be in by 5th April 2019. The proposal by CNPA is 36 houses in half the field. Carr Road is a great concern .There needs to be more thought about a pathway through a field for school access, lighting and traffic calming measures.
He went on to state that what is in the 20/25 plan is likely to be what would get planning permission if a developer matched it . Therefore it is important to get the number of houses zoned to something we felt was acceptable.. Lorraine Anderson asked how many Affordable Houses are in the plan, Andrew Kirk stated 12 are planned, the Council Houses which are to be build will not be sold. Martyn O’Reilly wanted to know which Housing Association will be involved, this is not known at this time. David Williams hoped that they would be for local people. Andrew Kirk explained that of all the new low cost properties built in Boat of Garten apparently only one went to an outsider. However nothing was guaranteed.
There are to be 23 in H2 Development Plan. Bill Lobban expressed the need for people to be on the Housing List to be considered, and reiterated that research showed that very few were allocated to outsiders .Andrew Kirk said the CC had produced a poster ,which was on social media and on notice boards, informing everyone that they need to be on the housing list to be considered for one of these houses. Thanks to Landmark Press for designing the poster and to Landmark Press for printing and laminating at no cost to CC.
Kate Adamson will send the 20/25 submission, Bill Lobban advised to do this as the date gets closer
CC Insurance: The insurance for the year is £86.00 with Zurich Insurance Company reported Charlie Miller.
Treasurers Report: Charlie Miller gave his report at close of balance there is £4,899.93 in the account.
Porridge: Convener Charlie Miller announced that a Logo had been commissioned (this was shown round the meeting) and was accepted by all. The Golden Spurtle Competition is moving along nicely. All thanked Charlie for all he was doing.
2. Playpark Group: The Playpark Group have some monies leftover and have requested that two waste bins, one for dog poo and one for general waste be allocated at the Playpark and they are willing to empty these themselves. Bill Lobban stated that although presently this might work well but if in the future people didn’t empty the bins HC would was very reticent and felt HC would not commit to this.
George Dyer suggested the bins be placed at the car-park side of the fence, Bill Lobban thought this was a sensible idea and will approach HC. Andrew Kirk enquired if the Blue Bin had been put in place at the car-park, Bill Lobban had been told this was already in place, this matter to be investigated.
Wagons: David Williams is concerned with the amount of wagons driving through the village, one in particular had Mackays written on the side and this wagon was speeding at 40mph, his daughter had three wagons on her tail coming back from Kinveachy. There was a general discussion regarding the companies and where they may have come from and where they were going to – Tomatin, Broomhill Quarry and perhaps the substation site. Bill Lobban suggested getting in touch with the Regional Manager or Customer Officer of these firms who would then take this matter forward. Jacqueline Rice voiced her worries about the timber lorries, she had found out from a forum that the A938 is an agreed route but the vehicles are using a consultation route rather than the agreed routes thus damaging roads and drains and the criteria is not being fulfilled. Bill Lobban added that many roads are being used by the logging lorries including single track roads, Jacqueline Rice requests that the CC look into this. Andrew Kirk stated that the lorry companies could be hauling logs to Ballindaloch or Broomhill. Lorraine Anderson is concerned about the drains and questions that a one way system for logging lorries could be looked at. Bill Lobban, regarding this matter informed the meeting that these companies pay for using the roads and assist with repairs. Andrew Kirk said he would make contact on behalf of the CC with SSE regarding the Mackay lorries.
Street Lighting: Charlie Miller feels that the street lights are looking shoddy and need painting especially up Inverness Road.
Parking on bridge: Alice Buttress raised the matter of parking on bridge and said a resident wanted a 15 min maximum stay. Bill Lobban said he would ask but it will not come into being this summer.
Carrbridge Sign: Charlie Miller brought up the subject of the wooden signs at the southern entrance to the village and if everyone was in agreement, that Douglas Edwards would attend to this. All agreed. Lorraine Anderson asked where the 30mph sign would be reallocated when the houses beside Crannich Park are completed, Bill Lobban replied that there are regulations to follow as to where the signs will be.
Footpaths: Alice Buttress wondered if anything was being done about the footpath at Fairwinds – Andrew kirk said he was progressing. Alice reported that a member of the CTBA felt that the Riverside Walk Path was not adequately signposted. As this belongs to the National Park it will have to be brought to their notice
Struan: Jacqueline Rice enquired about Struan, but nothing could be said at this time.
Benches: Martyn O’Reilly stated that in conjunction with Ross Watson four benches of sustainable quality could be purchased, the meeting was in general agreement at a cost of £600.00 each. However this will funded by the community company so Martyn asked to submit to them. Charlie Miller suggested asking the National Park or some other body be contacted for part funding .
Wade Road: Martyn O’Reilly in conversation with Ewan Archer, Gamekeeper, regarding the gate to the Wade Road keeps being propped open, Ewan Archer keeps closing it because the deer are escaping and wants anyone in that area to keep an eye on the gate.
Flooding: Lorraine Anderson reported that the drains are flooding at the Triangle.
Meeting closed at 8.35p.m.Date of next meeting: Thursday 25th April 2019