Thursday 29th November, 2018 in the Village Hall at 7.30p.m.



Andrew Kirk (Chairman) David Ritchie, Alice Buttress, George Dyer, Kate Adamson (Secretary), Robert McInnes, Bill Lobban (Councillor) and Charles Miller.


In attendance:

Denise Stott, Michelle Green, Colin Watt, John Halliday, Grantown-on-Spey CC and Heather Davidson (Minutes)


Andrew Kirk welcomed all to the meeting.

Apologies:  Nil


Free Wi-fi:  John Halliday GOS CC addressed the meeting regarding free wi-fi in the area.  He explained that free wi-fi could be available to all local villages.   A meeting held in Perth in February with Rapier System 66 Co., who are based in Kirkcaldy to discuss this proposal.   40 businesses in GOS have shown an interest in this scheme, Boat of Garten is also sympathetic to this.  For the first 15 months seed corn funding would be in place and after 15 year if agreed a steering committee would finance it.   He explained that non-domestic rate payers would pay £100.00 per year and the benefits would be wi-fi discounts. Carrbridge using this would amplify all businesses.

Andrew Kirk stated that some businesses would find financing a problem. John Halliday stated there would be small boxes fitted to lamp posts and there would be no need to dig up the roads. Charles Miller felt that satellite would be faster. Andrew Kirk stated that guests at the Carrbridge Hotel and other businesses already get free wi-fi, Colin Watt concurred. George Dyer informed the meeting that the mobile phone mast went on line yesterday and the whole village is now covered. Andrew Kirk asked how this will be split up cost wise, John Halliday said that at the end of 15 months the decision yes or no would be made and he is looking to Scottish Government and the Council for funding. Andrew Kirk asked how Aviemore have taken to it; Bill Lobban replied that it is not used by Aviemore residents. Andrew Kirk felt it was for the Business Association to decide and said he would email Gareth Paschke the Chair copying in John Halliday.  Alice Buttress added that the CTBA would need to discuss this at their next meeting;


Minutes:  The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 25th October 2018 were approved by Robert McInnes and seconded by George Dyer.




A9 Dualling:  All objections that have been raised are still being looked at.


Snakey Bridge and the Bench repairs:  Victor Sandilands, as reported by Robert McInnes has now completed the bridge and the benches , both very successfully, much to the delight of all who use them. Andrew Kirk stated that the CNPA were approached for help and contributed £500 towards the Snakey bridge for which we are grateful and CA paid the small balance.


Speeding:  Denise Stott thanked all who helped tidy up the entrance to Carrbridge from the GOS end.  The village sign and 30mph sign is more obvious now.   Andrew Kirk said it was a good team effort.   Denise Stott has been made aware by HC that the flashing speed signs can be recored with the right equipment in place.  If this is correct why this has not been done before she asked .This data could be used by the Police so as to use resources at the correct time of day, she went on to ask what is happening regarding the 20mph rule.   Bill Lobban replied that over 5 years ago the CC bought a speed sign and the Council bought one, but the programme on the laptop disappeared. New ones that have been bought he thought.

Denise Stott wanted to know what the progress is regarding the 30 mph repeater signs before the Welcome to Carrbridge sign. Since 2006 she went on to say people have been requesting a pre-warning sign at Lochanhully 60mph to 40mph and then 30mph.   Bill Lobban feels that a Roads Engineer should come and do an evaluation. The CC should write to MSP and find out why the 20mph has been shelved, this plan was suggested for communities who want it.   Bill Lobban will arrange a meeting and Denise Stott and CC members to attend and put these points forward.


Defibrillator:  Charles Miller reported that the new batteries have been replaced and the old ones returned to the Charity.


Armistice:  Robert McInnes attended Inverness on Saturday 10th Nov and marched to the Cathedral over the bridge to Graveyard, it was a wonderful spectacle. The meeting was informed that Nethybridge at the War Memorial between 5.00am and 6.00am only a pipe band played at the exact time war ended, it was an incredible moment reported Bill Lobban.   Robert McInnes went on to say that on Sunday at 12.45 there was a good turn out at the War Memorial in Carrbridge –around 50 attended .The steps and handrail that had been improved aided those previously unable to attend. Although not fully all abilities it was a great improvement. He went on to say that if it had been fully all abilities, apart from the cost, the path up to it would have had to have been excessive to have the right gradient. The CC, Church and Fire Service laid wreaths and Grantown pupils laid crosses.   All graves in the Graveyard received crosses.


Treasurers Report:  Charles Miller stated that £300.00 had been given for the Children’s Christmas. In hand at the moment is £4,317.03.


Village Groups:  Charles Miller at a VABS meeting reported that they wished to create more cohesive groups in villages. A member of each individual organization in the village should be part of a forum. Bill Lobban asked what the governance is. Charles Miller replied that VABS asked the CC to look at this.   Andrew Kirk went on to say that he thought this already existed in an informal way.  Charles Miller asks that it should be thought about, if in agreement take it forward, if not throw it out.


Golden Spurtle:  Andrew Kirk reported that the turnout for the meeting which was led by Charles Miller was well attended. Charles Miller went on to explain the concept of the meeting was to ask the people of the village how they think the competition should go forward.   There was an over-riding yes from the audience to keep the competition in the village. More decisions are to be made before Christmas.   Michelle Green already has Hamlyns in contact with her regarding next year, she went on to say that the Judges and the Audio Visual Company need to know as soon as possible what the plan is.It was agreed there would be a meeting round the table with the key people, who would act as department heads possibly 8 and one person to oversee everything.  Charles Miller went on to say that Hamlyns would be willing to pay for an organizer, but the feeling is an increase in sponsorship money would be more beneficial.   He added that one person from CC and a co-coordinator would be who the 8 people would report to.

Kate Adamson fears that the co-coordinator could end up doing it all.


Pensioners Christmas Dinner:  This has been organised for the 11th December 2018 at the Carrbridge Hotel and Andrew Kirk impressed upon the meeting if anyone knows someone who has not received an invitation and should have please inform the CC.


Planning:  Nothing concerning the CC.




  1. Kate Adamson has received a cheque from Reidhaven Estate for £500.00 towards funds for which we are very grateful particularly as our CC grant is much reduced.


  1. The Christmas tree in the triangle is now erected, thanks to Colin Watt and staff for doing this – it looks great.


  1. £500 has been donated to the CC by Highland Council to be spent by March 2019 and ideas are needed as to how to spend it. Charles Miller suggested the wooden sign erected at the Bridge should now be replaced by something more substantial, or signs at the entrances to the village stating this is the home of the Golden Spurtle and Carve Carrbridge.


  1. Credit to Highland Council for the prompt repairs to the pot hole at the Cemetery.


  1. George Dyer, once again is concerned with the flooding at the entrance to Reed Court, the drains do not seem capable of draining the water away, Bill Lobban will take this matter forward.


  1. An invitation has been received by Seafield Estate to take CC on a spring tour of the estate. This should last 4 – 5 hours.


  1. The CC has just had access to [email protected]   – George Dyer, Andrew Kirk and Kate Adamson for the moment will monitor. It is intended that this will become the generic email address for CC rather than private ones.


  1. Duncan Bryden, Tomatin has been very helpful with information on the Sports facility information. Charlie Miller stated that the cost was huge.


  1. Bill Lobban informed the meeting that Highland Council Area Committee require CC members to attend ex officio membership, there are only 4 meeting per year, this will be to discuss new ideas so as to make the CC more involved. Andrew Kirk felt that this would be of interest – others agreed. Bill Lobban added that there should be a representative at every meeting.


  1. Robert McInnes commented that there is a huge improvement in the state of the graveyard; this has been a good job.


  1. Bill Lobban has invited Denise Stott to the Community Speed Watch Scheme, Clare McClennan Poilce has been asked by Denise Stott if she would come and speak at the January meeting to discuss speeding.


The meeting closed at 8.40p.m.                                     Date of next meeting – Thursday 31st January 2019