Community Council Minutes 31 May 2018
Thursday 31st May 2018
in the Village Hall at 7.30p.m.
Andrew Kirk (Chairman) David Ritchie, Alice Buttress, George Dyer, Kate Adamson and Charles Miller.
In attendance:
Mairi Brown, Dianne McInnes, Denise Stott and Heather Davidson (Minutes)
Andrew Kirk welcomed all to the meeting.
Apologies: Robert McInnes, Alan Rankin and Bill Lobban (Councillor)
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 26th April 2018 were proposed by Charles Miller and seconded by Alice Buttress.
Playing Field, Playpark and Drainage: Mairie Brown reported that the decision has now been made for the design of the playpark, Hawthorn Designs are the contractors and installation will be closely monitored by HC. £500.00 has been allocated for trees, planting etc.a requirement of one of the funders. She went on to report that the whole process will take 3 months from ordering to installation, being aware of time restraints due to Carve Carrbridge, but ideally the installation will have been completed by this date. Andrew Kirk commented when the ceremony occurs for the completion of the playpark all who have worked towards this goal must be acknowledged, Mairi said they also planned to acknowledge young Robert and place a plaque in memory of him.
Speeding: The 20mph plan is waiting to go through the Scottish Government and then will only happen if the community agree. Our Police Constable Claire McLennan will be keeping an eye on speeding in Carrbridge.
Website: Charles Miller and George Dyer have seen the initial prototype. It is progressing Andrew Kirk asked about the proposed CC e-mail address, Charles Miller queried if it is better for all to see, or should the e-mails only go to one person and then sent on. Kate Adamson felt that 2 persons should be allowed for to cover for holidays etc. general agreement on this.
A9 Dualling: Andrew Kirk informed the meeting that there is no further information but an exhibition will be held in Strathdearn on 7th/8th June 2018 regarding the Tomatin to Moy stretch which is at a more advanced stage than our stretch. All are welcome to drop in.
Cycle Route: The dedicated route from Carrbridge to Kinveachy to join in the Boat of Garten route and thus not walking or cycling on the old A9 is the way to go stated Andrew Kirk. Mairi Brown added that 98% of the many who filled in the questionnaire are in support of this route and a small active working party are meeting with Sustrans who agree in principle but no finance from them. It was decided to contact Scottish Transport and Health Ministers. meeting will be arranged to continue discussions with all the above interested parties. David Ritchie added that between 7 – 8 a.m. cyclists are dicing with death on the main road and the suggested route would be beneficial to all.
Porridge: The recipe book has gone out to c competitors for approval and we expect the final draft to be ready by early June. Scots Magazine is writing a pre-event article. We have four TV companies interested in covering the event. We are approaching a Media consultant to assist with the comms/media relations (I have contacted Martha but she has not responded yet). We have more competitors than places, so are looking to hold a junior heat on the day and have planned a competitor selection meeting on 20th June when entries close.
This report sent by Michelle Green.
Struan House Hotel: Andrew Kirk stated that we are awaiting the results of planned legislation opportunity to lever owners to sell derelict buildings. It was felt that the preferred way forward was with HC or a Housing Association.
Bursary: An application has been received but it was felt that this initiative needs promoting. Andrew Kirk felt the Bursary objective could become a negative if it wasn’t easier for people to know about it and access it. George Dyer stated that candidates have to be informed to apply to Carrbridge Ahead. Mairie Brown asked if the web-site stated that the application has to go to Carrbridge Ahead, George Dyer answered yes. Diane McInnes asked if there were too many pages to fill in and was it complicated Kate Adamson added that there not many applicants unfortunately.
George Dyer added that the Highlife Highland representative was all enthusiastic but nothing has happened. Kate Adamson added how best to proceed with the document process. Andrew Kirk mentioned that £5,000 is allocated for the scheme and a sub-committee disperses this. With Alan Rankin who initiated and has been leading the Bursary wishes to hand this over Mairi Brown felt that another person, not necessarily a member of the CC or CA perhaps a teacher could take this on? Charlie Millar offered to create a chart on the application process.
Pot Holes: David Ritchie has offered to fill the pot holes on the track to the cemetery, assuming not done by HC – grateful thanks.
Picnic Bench: This has now been constructed by Robert McInnes and Tom Adams and is in situe and fixed to the paving base.. Grateful thanks to Robert and Tom and to Adam for transporting it.
Poppy Cascade: The idea of a cascade was a thought by Bill Lobban having seen something in Inverness The Primary School may well commemorate the day in an appropriate way for their age group but how is yet to be decided by Mrs Lake
WW1: Gus Carnegie sent e-mail via the Church about the commemoration of the end of WW1. Andrew Kirk suggested that the CC would focus on the War Memorial as it does every year. Everyone was in agreement.
Data Protection and Christmas List: Charles Miller reported that Alice Buttress has an emergency plan list, to verify data up to date and privacy statement. Valuation Roll, Census, Kelly Directory, Electoral Roll to be used, this will have to be manually done, obtaining an information sheet from Vabs to work through. Andrew Kirk queried that the list already held for the over 65’s would have to be up-dated in November when invitations are sent out. Charles Miller added that it is not required to ask again as long as we use the data for the reason that we have. There would be a new sentence added to the bottom of the invite for any new person being added to the list.
Diane McInnes added that if anybody was not happy they can be taken off the list. Andrew Kirk asked if we can use it for Carrbridge Ahead. Charles Miller added that yes we can, there are 708 people in Carrbridge 18% are over 65. Charles Millar will continue to investigate the Data situation.
Treasurer’s Report: Charles Miller reported that all aspects of CC banking are now sorted. On-line banking is up and running. £6,852.70 is held in account. There are a series of bills to pay however and a transfer of some playpark monies that should have been banked with Carrbridge Ahead.
Planning: Nothing pending.
Railway: Andrew Kirk attended the Network rail /Scotrail meeting in Kingussie and reported that after rail signaling, infrastructure and line improvements there will be a new Time Table from next May with better times for train users from Carrbridge.
Glencharnoch Woods: On 9th June 2018 these paths are due to be attended to.
Capercaillie Meeting: report from Charles Miller.
NB We are only talking about the development phase of the project – some 18 months of which 15 months are left.
In Carrbridge we are looking at a 4 step project for the group:
- Engaging the community (including special interest groups) – Identifying needs, wishes etc.
- Contribute to the selection of a full-time community ranger and engage with them once appointed.
- Volunteer programme where they will Summer – engage with visitors and in winter engage in maintenance.
- Identify what kind of visitor experience is best for the birds (it’s about saving the birds).
Additionally the Carrbridge group will have a role in advising the project team.
COMMUNICATION: 2 way process. Making people aware of work being done and feeding back wishes and requirements to project team.
Car Park Charge: Rumours locally that this is to happen This is not true.- the CC are not aware of any plans for Carrbridge and would fight any proposals
Village Hall: At the AGM Iain Campbell retired as Chairman, all his hard work over the years has been greatly appreciated and a vote of thanks is given by the CC.
Windfarm: Andrew Kirk, Kate Adamson and Robert McInnes toured the site which was a fascinating visit, 13 large turbines will produce at 39% efficiency enough power for 26,000 houses.
Trees on Inverness Road: Alice Buttress and Denise Stott queried the cutting down of the trees on Inverness Road, no further information available.
Alice Buttress asked why street lights can’t be turned off earlier.
Bill will be asked at the next meeting.
The meeting closed at 9.10p.m. Next meeting on 28th June 2018 7.30pm Village Hall