Community Council Minutes 26 April 2018 DRAFT
Thursday 26th April 2018
in the Village Hall at 7.30p.m.
Andrew Kirk (Chairman) David Ritchie, Robert McInnes, Bill Lobban (Councillor), Alice Buttress and Charles Miller.
In attendance:
Rebecca Badger, (CNP), Martyn O’Reilly, Lorraine Anderson, Jacqueline Rice, Denise Stott, Tessa Jones, Heather Davidson (minutes).
Andrew Kirk welcomed all to the meeting.
Apologies: Kate Adamson, George Dyer, Alan Rankin.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 29th March 2018 were proposed by Charles Miller and seconded by Robert McInnes.
Playing Field and Playpark – No decision has been made as to the company who will supply the play park equipment, three tenders are in the pipeline. Drainage and bore holes in the playing field are underway. All monies are in place
Speeding: The 20mph proposal is subject to agreement by residents. Bill Lobban reported that it is less than 1 minute longer to drive from one end of the village to the other if driving at 20mph compared to 30mph and went on to say that driving at 20mph does not cause any more pollution, he feels this is a road safety issue so as not to have to wait until a child is knocked down. The 30mph signs would change to 20mph and this hopefully will be in all local villages. It is up to the Road Engineer to decide on mph signs, i.e. 40, 30, 20 mph. Charles Miller asked if other villages want this to happen, Bill Lobban replied that Aviemore and Newtonmore want this to happen. Robert McInnes and Alice Buttress at a CNP Forum meeting stated that the police are in total agreement, Kincraig are especially keen. Andrew Kirk stated that the exact start of 20mph within the village would need to be discussed; Charlie Miller has doubts about this – it is either all or nothing and he doubts it working as there is no policing in place. Bill Lobban continued that there will be an occasional police presence. Lorraine Anderson stated that 20mph must be better than 30mph. Denise Stott added that 100% of drivers overspeed by doing 40mph in a 20mph and feels people will be more aware and asked if speed signs on the Grantown-on-Spey Road would be placed further out. The meeting agreed in principle that they are in favour of 20mph instead of 30mph. Bill Lobban added that road markings would be further out. Jacqueline Rice asked if paint lines at the triangle could be made more noticeable. Andrew Kirk added that unfortunately white lines do not last the winters. Bill Lobban went on to say that white lines are to be painted more often.
Website and Domain: This is still progressing.
A9 Dualling and Cycle Route: See attached sheet on response to dualling consultation.
There is to be a meeting on 10th May 2018 in Carrbridge Village Hall with Sustrans, CNP and the working group. Rebecca Badger stated that this meeting is for the CC to put their case and state exactly what is wanted. Bill Lobban added that this was an ideal opportunity as the cost of the route required is peanuts against the cost of duallling the A9.
Porridge: Michelle Green sent the following report:
Plans are progressing well. We already have a good number of entrants from as far as Canada and Australia! We also have a number of children who have entered so I am currently looking for help in preparing a Safeguarding Policy. The Russian Championship was held in a shopping mall and they have issued the winner with a ‘boarding pass’ to our Championships. I met with the Inverness Food Assembly and finalised the details of the food market which will be held in the marquee behind the church. I have also prepared a first draft of the recipe book to celebrate the 25 years.
Struan House Hotel: Bill Lobban reported that a BBC news item intimated that there is to be new legislation regarding derelict buildings, which may make it a possibility to force the owners to sell. Hamish Trench is pushing for this. Andrew Kirk added that as stated many times it is far from easy as the building is joined to two other houses. John Docherty HC, is checking the building on a regular basis as there are concerns regarding the safety of the building.
Bursary: Charles Miller is going to progress this matter.
Pot Holes: It has been noted that the pot holes and the Graveyard have not been repaired as yet.
Picnic Bench: With money donated by HC a flat pack picnic bench has been purchased, Robert McInnes is to build it up and make sure it is secured.
Poppy Cascade: Bill Lobban informed the meeting whilst at Culloden Academy there were 1000’s of poppies in a cascade and it looked magnificent and intimated that the Primary School may like to do likewise and hoped for CC support. Andrew Kirk asked if we could get more information on this.
Treasurer’s Report: Charles Miller has taken over the post as Treasurer and is in the process of filling out all the necessary paper work with the Bank and can do nothing until this is regularised. The process with the bank is very difficult and frustrating. As at 13th April 2018 there is £6,900 in account.
Community Shed: Andrew Kirk was pleased to report that the shed has been zero rated with regard to Council Tax.
Planning: One item of planning for Jamie Yule – no problems.
Jigsaws: David Ritchie financed the purchase of the jigsaws and as of this date monies back into the community for the Playpark Improvement project is £1,100.00. Well done David.
Railway: On 1st May 2018 there is an open meeting at Kingussie between 6.30 – 8.00p.m. regarding the Highland main rail line. Andrew Kirk hopes to attend.
Plantation Path: As previously reported this needs attention i.e. resurfacing. Rebecca Badger CNP to take this matter forward.
Yellow Lines: The Village is having yellow lines put in place in various danger spots with a mandatory disabled bay outside the Gallery. This should happen soon. This is a Highland Council decision following numerous complaints to the CC and THC, many with photograhs about inconsiderate unsafe parking and the impeding of traffic flow on Station Road and the Main street around the cafes and shop and also opposite the entrance to Carr road. This was not a CC decision but we did ask Highland Council what could be done. Yellow lines were the only option offered.
Rural Watch Scheme: It was suggested that those interested could join the Rural Watch Scheme i.e. regarding illegal killing of birds. There is to be a full-time Wildlife Crime Prevention Officer appointed.
Wind Farm: Robert McInnes and Kate Adamson are to attend a meeting for a viewing.
Recycling Bins: Bill Lobban reported that a new style recycling bin will be installed at the Car Park.
Data Protection: Charles Miller stated that Data Protection Regulations come into fruition in May, the easiest way forward is to state any Data that is held. Andrew Kirk asked about the Senior Citizens list of names, which is only used for the Christmas Dinner and any new additions to the list would have to be asked for permission which is in accordance with the 12 principles. Andrew Kirk asked if compliance could be made as simple as possible as it was difficult enough as it was. Charlie will investigate E-mails received as must only be on CC e-mail address not on personal e-mail. We are trying to resolve this.
Activities in National Park: Rebecca Badger informed the meeting that between 11th – 13th May 2018 there is to be Landrover Safari’s round the Park. The Capercaille Group reported that there are a few volunteers from the village, Alice Buttress and Charles Miller are to be involved in this from the CC.
Felled Trees on Inverness Road: Lorraine Anderson queried the cutting down of the trees. Andrew Kirk informed the meeting that the Forestry Commission is still investigating. It seems that it is in the public domain that Colin Watt bought the land, and we await further developments. Lorraine went on to ask can the CC not do anything about this. Jacqueline Rice added that although HC vote against planning it still happens. Rebecca Badger explained that on the Local Development Plan this is not a proposed site for development.
The meeting closed at 8.40p.m. Date of next meeting 3lst May 2018