Community Council Minutes 25 October 2018
Thursday 25th October, 2018
in the Village Hall at 7.30p.m.
Andrew Kirk (Chairman) David Ritchie, Alice Buttress, George Dyer, Kate Adamson (Secretary), Robert McInnes,
Bill Lobban (Councillor) and Charles Miller.
In attendance:
Mich Green, Bobby McElligott, Jan Carlyle, Colin Watt, Hazel Moody
Cllr Bill Lobban, Heather Davidson (Minutes Sec)
Andrew Kirk welcomed all to the meeting.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 27th September, 2018 were proposed as correct by George Dyer, seconded by Alice Buttress and agreed by Members present.
Playpark: Snagging Issues being solved currently.
NMU route Aviemore/Carrbridge which has previously been discussed for the NMU is still not acceptable to the Community. There are a number of objectors as well as the Community Council on behalf of the Community: Highland Council, Cairngorms National Park and Sustrans
Development Plan: H1 Carr Place – Pre-application notification from Bracewell Stirling for the whole area of the field, but with undetermined number of houses. The Community Council will comment when we get more details
Road to Graveyard Cllr Bill Lobban has reported the large pothole to Highland Council
Speeding Private members legislation for 20mph limits has been stalled by Scottish Government. We need to wait for Bill Lobban to be present to discuss this issue further
Bench up Station Road Charlie and Robert will look at it
Treasurers Report: Charles Miller reported that Highland Council Grant had come at £415.12, net of Insurance. Giving current total of £4116.81
Carve Carrbridge: The profit is expected to be £23,000 on closing the accounts
Golden Spurtle: There will be some deficit when Finances are finalized – due to funds spent for the 25th Anniversary
Discussion of the Future of the Porridge event. Mich Green, Martyn O’Reilly, previous members of the Porridge Committee all are not prepared to run or co-ordinate the event next year – although none of them want it to go to another community and not to another Country
But they feel that something has to be done, as competitors want to book for next year
Charlie also does not want the Porridge to go away or stop. He commented that the Village Hall is too small. Hall of Carrbridge Hotel is 400 m2
Possibility of Hamlyns helping with Event. They have asked for a 3 year deal. Mich will speak to them to see if they would take it over with help from several folk who have helped with the Porridge in the past
A Public Meeting to let the village know that there is no one to run Porridge, but time is tight – must be before next CCC Meeting. Letterbox drop suggested to publicize it, with local Notices and sharing them on Facebook
Senior Christmas Party Date discussed with Colin, and Tuesday 11th December was agreed at the Carrbridge Hotel. Invitation circulation will be looked at by all Community Councillors for names which should be taken off and also names which should be added
Must add sentence about GDPR
Bobby feels that quit a number of people would like to contribute towards it. AK said that it really was not necessary
Planning Application: Nothing concerning the CC.
Snakey Bridge: Repairs will require to be done by a local Contractor, as need large heavy planks. AK, CM and RMcI to arrange. CNPA will out £500 towards
New Glencharnoch Sign Advised to go to look at it
Entrance to village from Grantown Denise Stott had offered to try to improve vegetation, but Safety from Traffic is essential
Jigsaws. Profit still going to playpark,, but when this is finished (soon) David Ritchie will receive this in reimbursement
Update on Mast by Golf Course – it should function from the end of December
Defibrillator CM having problem obtaining new Batteries, but will continue to try
B & S Community Council Forum Cohesive Communities was talked about at last meeting and CM would like to to pass information on at next Meeting. To be put on Agenda
Church information 1) Presentation for Rev. Donald Walker – RMcI will go to it
2) 10th November Armistice Day; invitation from Highland Council and RMcI will attend
3) 11th November Service at War Memorial. RMcI has been organizing it: he has got the Crosses and will get a Wreath
Speeding noisy motorbikes Hazel reported that she had several episodes to complaine about – but has no details
of whom it might be
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 29th November 2018
Meeting closed at 8.25p.m.