Community Council Minutes 29th June 2017
Thursday 29th June, 2017 at 7.30p.m.
Present: Andrew Kirk (Chairman), Bill Lobban (Councillor), Charles Miller, David Ritchie, Kate Adamson (Secretary), Alan Rankin, George Dyer, Robert McInnes and Alice Buttress.
In attendance: Iain Campbell, Jan Carlyle, Bobbie McGelligott, Janet Porteous, Mairi Brown, Jacqueline Rice, Jimmy Fraser, James and Maria Thompson-Slaven, and Heather Davidson (Minutes).
Apologies: Nil.
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 25th May, 2017 were approved by Kate Adamson and seconded by Alice Buttress.
The amended time of the closure of this meeting should have read 8.30p.m.
PARKING IN GENERAL IN THE VILLAGE: There was a general discussion round the room regarding double yellow lines and white lines, but it was pointed out that too many lines will affect the commercial establishments in the village. It was finally decided that a meeting with all interested parties, Highland Council included to once and for all come to a decision regarding this matter including the trimming of trees and shrubs at the Bridge end of Station Road.
VILLAGE HALL: Iain Campbell, Chairman of the Village Hall was happy to announce that the builders will be on site on 30th June 2017 to start the building of the kitchen extension and asked the Community Council to release the funds promised of £20,000, Alan Rankin will transfer these funds. Iain Campbell also asked if it was possible to borrow money from the Community Council, should there be a short fall in the final costs, this was agreed in principal.
PLAYPARK: Mairi Brown stated that other methods of fund raising were in the pipeline and that the children will be consulted as to their preferences for the equipment. There is still an on-going problem with the drainage; Alan Rankin will contact Will Anderson of Seafield Estate regarding their boundary line. John McLean of Highland Council will be contacted regarding the installation of the new picnic table.
WEBSITE & DOMAIN: Alan Rankin reported that after a meeting with all interested parties, i.e. CC, CBTA,Village Hall, Porridge and Carve it was decided that three separate web-sites would be the best way to go. As Roy Brown is standing down it was agreed that this should be put out to tender for an independent company to manage this, hopefully a draft would be ready by the end of July.
TREASURER’S REPORT: There is £34,769 in the account as of this day.
PLANNING: Rosevean House at Dalrachney Beag has withdrawn their application.
NEW HOUSES: Andrew Kirk presented mock up boards of the proposed new houses opposite Landmark. There are to be 12 Council Houses and 13 Low Cost Houses, the vibes for this development were very positive. Janet Porteous felt that it was a pity that a Housing Association was not on board with this development, or even shared equity. Bill Lobban pointed out that you cannot tell a developer who to sell his houses to.
BRIDGE 300 – OCTOBER ART EXHIBITION: Monies are required to put this on, exhibition rails are to remain in the Village Hall, Karen Archer and Rona Kant are organizing this.
VILLAGE HALL AGM: Alice Buttress and Andrew Kirk attended the meeting and were pleased with the outcome.
A9 DUALLING: The CC received a letter stating that the CC preference for the Slochd from Blackmount Junction has been agreed. Grainish Junction still has to be considered.
HM FIRE SERVICE: Kate Adamson has been sent a questionnaire which has to be completed by September 2017, all members will be given a copy.
DUCK RACE: This will be held on 6th August, 2017 at 5.00p.m.
COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUE: Charles Miller reported that Donald Powell has a stone and is donating this, Robert McInnes along with Charles Miller will take this matter forward. Charles Miller also queried what the decision was on the Firework Display, after discussion it was agreed not to proceed with this event.
FOOTBALL FIELD: Robert McInnes has taken a booking for 26th August, 2017 for a youth football tournament, this will be free of charge as no changing rooms are required.
WAR MEMORIAL: Robert McInnes was pleased to report that the Stone Mason will be in attendance by the end of September.
CARRBRIDGE BURSARY: Alan Rankin informed the meeting that the first application has been received.
BRIDGE 300 WHISKY BOTTLES: Gareth Paschke, The Cairn Hotel, has not received these, as yet.
SPEEDING: Jacqueline Rice is concerned with speeding vehicles coming into the village from Grantown-on-Spey. Bill Lobban stated this was a police matter and the Divisional Command are trying to divert A9 Police into villages also using unmarked cars. There were several suggestions from the floor, but Andrew Kirk pointed out that you only get what the HC Roads Engineer can allow. He will contact the Divisional Police commander to request additional patrols.
HIGH GRASSES ON GRASS VERGE: Jacqueline Rice raised the point that the grass at the entrance to Dalbeag was very high and made visibility on to the Main Road very difficult. She was informed that the verges are done in rotation, but Bill Lobban will take this matter up with the HC Department.
RIGHT OF WAY TO RIVER: Jimmy Fraser feels very strongly about having to clear the path to the river which he has done about eight times and feels this has become a fly-tipping situation which is so wrong . He was informed that the path would be part of the discussion with THC regarding tree and shrub trimming along with white lines, parking etc.
T/TOWELS AND CARVING TRAIL: Maria Thompson-Slaven was happy to announce that she has ordered a second batch of the Bridge T/Towels and that 200 have already been sold. The Carving Trail designed by Jeff Buttress has been a great success and an update is being designed by him.
BRIDGE 300 CARVING: Maria Thompson-Slaven informed the meeting that the permission for the Carve is now in place and that Jeff and Alice Buttress have started the Carve, using Burr Elm from Culloden. This is not a bench but an Art Installation. The Carrbridge Tourist and Business Association have secured all monies required for the installation of the Carve. She went on to say that the CTBA AGM is in September and she will be resigning her post as Chairwoman after the World Porridge Competition in October.
GOAL POSTS: Iain Campbell asked if there could be netting on the goal posts at the football players are coming into the Bowling Green to retrieve their footballs and requests that the fence be repaired to keep the rabbits out. Robert McInnes will try to resolve this point.
Meeting closed at 8.51p.m. Date of next meeting – 27th July 2017