Community Council Minutes 28th September 2017
Thursday 28th September, 2017 at 7.30p.m.
Present: Andrew Kirk (Chairman), Bill Lobban (Councillor), Charles Miller, David Ritchie, Alan Rankin, George Dyer, Robert McInnes and Alice Buttress.
In attendance: Iain Campbell, Mairi Brown, Maria Thompson-Slaven, Katrina Stirling, Colin Watt and Heather Davidson (Minutes).
Apologies: Kate Adamson
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 31st August, 2017 were approved by Alan Rankin and seconded by Robert McInnes.
Linda Jolly having been in contact with Bill Lobban is not in agreement with access to the pathway down the side of her self-catering cottage as those people using the pathway are holding on to her fence. Andrew Kirk proposed that the gap be moved to behind the bench – this was seconded by George Dyer but after a lengthy discussion other CCrs did not agree and wished it left as it was. This area is owned by Highland Council.
Highland Council will prune the snowberries and the bench will be spruced up. Iain Campbell suggested the placement of a handrail, but Bill Lobban stated that this would mean the path is no longer a casual path.
George Dyer explained that during the drainage from the Fire Station to Mr Stirling’s field a blocked drain was found and this has been cleared .It was thought this was good news. . The Burn was now flowing much better. David Ritchie informed the meeting that there is a well up the bank behind Carrmoor Guest House. Andrew Kirk asked Bill Lobban if someone from Highland Council could be interested as two other clay pipes were found. Bill said he would bring to attention. Mairi Brown stated her husband is a Civil Engineer and had suggested a proposal for filter drainage and would be getting estimates from his place of work to put a plan together. Andrew Kirk is concerned about the costs but welcomed this initiative.. George Dyer went on to say that the open drain should be fenced off with temporary fencing, this was agreed.
Five Community Councillors and a representative from Highland Council met to discuss the playpark. A decision as to what equipment is desired will be decided upon and Highland Council will be informed. John McLean, Community Works Officer will inform the Community Council as to the cost of surfacing.
The question was raised as to the Community putting in some more money to aid with the scheme and another £5,000 was suggested. The Committee Council agreed to this – the total pledged now being £10000 –around 25% of the project cost. Obviously the CC will want to see plans and proposals first. Bill Lobban suggested getting John McLean to look at the drainage problem as well.
Andrew Kirk reported on the speeding issue on the Grantown-on-Spey /Inverness road.
The Divisional Police Commander had replied to the CC email – excerpt below
I can assure you and the Carrbridge community that road safety is a priority in the section and that officers both local, roads policing units and camera safety unit are aware of the speeding problems in the area and have had success in both detecting speeding offences and other offences by proactive patrols.
The matters relating to physical road layout and furniture to slow traffic would be for the roads department to comment upon. However like other villages in this area I am fully supportive of gateway signage to the village on all approach roads to ensure drivers are aware to reduce speed.
Bill Lobban reported that the Highland Council had agreed to put in 3,2,1 – 30mph signage coming in from Grantown , refresh the 30mph road markings and install a ‘flashing ‘ 30mph warning sign sited for those traveling towards Grantown. He asked if the CC agreed to these measures as part of the solution which they unanimously did.
Unfortunately dry rot was found in the roof of the old kitchen and will be in the region of £3,000 to repair this, Iain Campbell, Chairman of the Hall Committee had asked if Community funds could pay for this and was very grateful this payment had been agreed.. The dry rot has now been dealt with, the rafters have been grafted and the plaster and lath replaced with plaster board.
Alan Rankin has organised four companies to tender for the web-sites; these companies have all been given specifications. A hard proposal, costed with graphics, how sites operate, stripping old copy out and an on- going maintenance fee along with training is expected soon.
Access is still a problem as the severely disabled cannot reach the Memorial, Robert McInnes to look into laying ramps.
Alan Rankin stated that the second application is going forward; this application is for a trainee Ski Racer.
George Dyer was very happy to report a record event and thanked all who helped. There are accounts still to come in and Alan Rankin will finalise the accounts and then inform the Community Council.
Progressing very well.
Robert McInnes and Kate Adamson visited the wind farm on the 4th September along with CCRs from Tomatin ,Cawdor ,Ferness, Grantown and Dulnain and were very impressed with progress so far. He gave a detailed report which was gratefully received.
1. PATH CLEARANCE – Robert McInnes informed that the paths requiring attention discussed previously had either been strimmed or were about to be.
2. TREASURERS REPORT – Alan Rankin stated there was £12,907 in the current account and that £937.00 annual grant from Highland Council has been paid. T/Towel income is £160.00. Outgoings – £3,000 to Village Hall and requests more funds from Carrbridge Ahead. £2,500 – £3,000 spent on Bridge 300 so far.. Exhibitor Boards for the Art Exhibition have yet to be paid and these will then be a village asset. Andrew Kirk reported that a good number of artists are wanting to exhibit and Karen Archer ,the organiser was actively promoting the event. If any exhibits are sold 20% of the takings will be fed back to the Community Council.
3. PLANNING APPLICATIONS: No current issues.
1. Katrina Stirling stated at a Carrbridge Carve meeting it was decided to do a leaflet drop to attract more volunteers.
2. Carrbridge Tourist and Business Association – Maria Thompson-Slaven reported that at the AGM there were no takers to the Committee hence temporary cessation of the organisation for one year. Andrew Kirk added this was very disappointing but many thanks to Maria Thompson-Slaven for all she had done.
3. ASBESTOS PATH – Alice Buttress having been out with Highland Council Asbestos Department on 6th September 2017 found some pieces of asbestos along with ceramic fragments; this will continue to be monitored. There was no danger to humans as these pieces were very low grade with a very small percentage of asbestos present…
4. CYCLE ROUTE TO KINVEACHY – Mairi Brown spoke to Sustrans,and James Bracher of Cycle Scotland to take the project forward.
5. CHRISTMAS DINNER – Kate Adamson (Secretary) will arrange date for Seniors Christmas Dinner. All to update the list and Alan Rankin said he would print off invitations again this year.
Meeting closed at 9.07p.m.
NEXT Meeting
Carrbridge Ahead Meeting 7.00p.m. Thursday 28th October 2017
Followed by Community Council Meeting at 7.30p.m.