Community Council Minutes 26th October 2017
Thursday 26th October 2017 at 7.30pm
Present: A Kirk (Chair), B Lobban (Cllr), R McInnes, A Rankin, C Miller, A Buttress, D Ritchie, G Dyer (Minutes).
In Attendance: I Campbell, D Stott, M Brown, M O’Reilly, M Thomson-Slaven, L Anderson, C Watt, J Rice, J Thomson-Slaven.
Apologies: K Adamson, H Davidson.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Minutes of 28th Sept Approved (A Buttress/A Rankin)
Matters Arising: Playing Field – M Brown reported that £38K had been raised/promised, with Tesco community funding to run November/December. A list of equipment wishes was with THC (J McLean), who was in conversations with suppliers. Still drainage concerns after ditch clearing – B Lobban to check what can be done. B Lobban also to check on car park resurfacing. (Note: work completed on car park 28th Oct).
Speeding – A Kirk reported that THC has offered to take steps to alleviate speeding on north and east approaches to village. D Stott felt that more should be done to cut down speeding and dangerous overtaking. She suggested chicanes and a 40mph restriction from Lochanhully as a minimum. B Lobban confirmed that a 40mph limit was a possibility and he would raise the matter with the Roads Engineer. A Kirk reported that contact had been renewed with Police Scotland locally (PC Clare MacLennan) and hoped that this would prove useful.
Website – A Rankin advised that 3 tender submissions had been received, with another in the pipeline, hopefully to be finalised next week. A representative from each user group would sit in on the selection process and assistance had been offered by R Brown and F Thom in this regard. CNPA and Karen Derrick had been asked if they could assist. Following on from this it was hoped to have a preferred supplier by Christmas.
Railway Fence – Fencing work has been completed and path reinstatement almost completed.
Pensioners’ Lunch – To be held 14th December in Carrbridge Hotel, at same cost as past 5 years.
Matters Arising (contd) –Path Clearance – R McInnes reported that most of the work had been completed, with only one path to be tidied up.
Bridge 300 Art Exhibition – This had generated good publicity and had had an excellent footfall. Final results in terms of Bridge 300 budget would be known next month. All bunting has been removed and stored. The storage of the display stands causes a problem in the village hall and a long – term solution is required. Thanks to Karen Archer for all the work she put into the organisation and promotion of this closing Bridge300 event. Thanks also to everyone who helped with the Bridge300 celebrations throughout the year.
Village Hall – The new kitchen is in use and external stonework should commence in November. A large diseased tree has been removed from NE corner of VH ground. It was agreed to leave a large stump in anticipation of it being carved in the future. It was suggested a competition be held, although this was not unanimous.
Cycle Route to Kinveachy – There has been Email correspondence with James Bracher of Scottish Cycling and a meeting of interested parties is being arranged.
Porridge 2017 – The event was a great success, with the Village Hall barely having the capacity to hold the spectators and supporters. A Kirk thanked all involved, especially Michelle Green. M O’Reilly advised that 2018 was the 25th and probably final year of the event and he suggested that it should be a really big event, which he agreed he would be available to assist more than in the past. To his suggestions of a larger venue, M Thomson-Slaven pointed out that the association with the Village Hall is symbolic and integral to the competition.
Treasurer’s Report – A Rankin advised that the current balance was £11,697.00.
Planning Applications – Only one for Carrbridge recently, which was uncontenscious.
New Items – CNPA have appointed Liz Henderson as Community Support Manager.
AOCB – R McInnes advised that he has ordered a wreath for the Rembrance Day ceremony at the War Memorial at 1245 on Sunday 12th November.
M O’Reilly complained of drainage issues on Station Road near his property.
I Campbell advised of slippery paths in the cemetery.
J Rice reiterated concerns about the speed of traffic through the village, especially the Main Street.
Date of Next Meeting – Thursday 30th November 2017 at 7.30pm.
A Kirk closed the meeting at 8.32pm.