Thursday 28th September 2017 at 7.30p.m. Carrbridge Hotel

House Keeping: Fire Exits etc

Introduction of Community Councillors to Visitors

People present and apologies received    Kate-apologies

Minutes of Meeting 31st August  2017 – agreement and signing

Matters Arising           Lower Station Road Parking 

Area around Old Bridge             

Playing Fields Playpark Upgrade and Drainage problem


Village Hall renovation

Website and Domain name

War Memorial access for All Abilities

Bursary 2nd award

Carve Carrbridge

Tom na Clach visit by RMcI and KA       

Railway line Footpath and Fence                                                                                                

Matters Outstanding  (no discussion needed unless new information)        

Old Bridge                                                    Capercaillie

Redesign of Health Services B & S                     Ellan Bridge –  2 yearly inspections 

War Memorial upgrading  RMcI                             Paths Ellan Wood

Struan                                                                       Pay phone – future

Tom na Clach                                                            Christmas Party

Updating of Action Plan – Cycle route to Kinveachy                          

Carrbridge Bursary -progress                           A9 Dualling

Village Hall funding and Buy a Brick or Slate Project                         

Written Financial report from the Treasurer AR

Current Account totals

Planning Applications received by email   Mrs L Ross  Ela Mar  Station Road


New Items – some received by Chairman & Secretary and already circulated by email


Questions or contributions from the public present

Date of next meeting:  Thursday October 28th 2017 at 7.30 in Village Hall

(The AGM of CarrBridge Ahead should be held at 7pm before the Meeting,  provided the Accounts are ready)

Time of closure of meeting