Carrbridge Housing Application – How to Object
As explained in the correspondence from Highland Council, the planning application has been called in by the CNPA. The CNPA reference no. Is 2013/0120/DET. The planning application documentation can be viewed on line on the CNPA website at
CNPA Standing Orders require that all representations are received within 21 days of the application being called in. The 21 day period on this application concludes on Monday May 13th. Comments can be made on line using the ‘comments’ and then the ‘make a comment’ tab. Representations may also be submitted by e-mail (to [email protected]) or by letter.
Cairngorms National Park Authority
Albert Memorial Hall
Station Square
AB35 5QB
All correspondence should include the authors full address.
You can download this sample template letter kindly provided by Louise de Raad. BUT it is better if people send in their own personalised version as we the Carrbridge Community Council have been advised that ‘ fill in the gap ‘ type letters don’t have the same impact as individual ones. However using the template letter is better than no letter! Also two or more individual letters better than one signed by two people.