Carrbridge & Vicinity Community Council

Minutes of Meeting

Held in Village Hall on

Thursday 31st August at 7.30pm


PRESENT: A Kirk (Chair), K Adamson (Secy), A Buttress, D Ritchie, A Rankin (Treas), R McInnes,           B Lobban (THC), G Dyer (Minutes).


IN ATTENDANCE: I Campbell, M Brown, J Weston, S Clinton, K Clinton, B Kuwall, U Leitch, A Baird, J Fraser, A Ralston, J Rice, D Stewart, D Ralston, T Stott, D Stott, D McInnes, L Bishop, B McElligott, J Porteous, L Anderson, D Williams, R Graham, J Carlyle, M Thomson-Slaven

MINUTES OF 29th JUNE: Approved GD/RMcI

MATTERS ARISING: A Kirk read out a report (copy on file) on parking & traffic flow through village, the Old Bridge area and environs and drainage problems in playing field.  He stated that a meeting had been held between Community Councillors, Bill Lobban and officers of THC.  The Roads Operations Manager (Richard Porteous) and the Parking Enforcement Officer (Craig Irvine) listened to our concerns and observations.  They advised that yellow lines were the only enforceable solution and although they would take on board our comments, they would decide what actions would be taken.  Subsequently they advised that before winter, yellow lines would be painted along the west side of Main Street from the Village Hall to the foot of Station Road, then up to West End Cottage and from Molecatcher’s Cottage down to the bridge and along to the garage.  On the east side they would start at access lane beside Spar and extend to the 20mph School sign – they had wanted to go all the way to the car park, but are holding back on that for the time being.  At the village car park they would extend from the bus stop to the fire station, with a specific bus stop being designated.  There would be a marked parking area outside the Kitchen, including a motorcycle bay and there would be  appropriate markings at entrances.   Debbie Sutton, Amenities Manager South, confirmed that they intended cutting down some vegetation around the Old Bridge area and that THC appreciated local voluntary efforts keeping the grass tidy.  They did not intend to block off access to the river near the Coronation chair.   As regards drainage problems at the Playing Field, it was acknowledged that the ground belonged to THC, but they had no problem with Carrbridge CC employing local contractors to clear vegetation, as long as work carried out in consultation with Auchterblair Farm. 

CARRBRIDGE PLAYPARK: M Brown gave update on progress, advising that £24k had been raised, with a new target of £40k. There were some concerns about timescales and equipment choices and B Lobban undertook to arrange meetings between THC officials and organisers to alleviate concerns about time restrictions imposed on funding grants.  Concerns remain over drainage issues.

SPEEDING IN VILLAGE: A Kirk reported on numerous Emails received from residents about speeding on Grantown and Inverness Roads into and out of the village.  D Stott and J Rice voiced the concerns of many, pointing out that, in addition to excessive speed,  there were no crossing point indicators, the road contours and lines of sight caused problems, there was much less police activity than before and the speed indicator is in wrong position.  Suggestions included rumble strips (although concens about noise) and a 40mph zone starting out past Lochanhully with a count down to 30mph.  B Lobban agreed to contact the Roads Engineer to arrange a visit and meeting to discuss options. 

A Kirk confirmed that the CC would keep on top of this matter.  

VILLAGE HALL:  I Campbell reported that the Village Hall extension was on budget and scheduled internal work would be completed by 23rd September.  The external stonework was due to be started by end of October.  The Buy a Brick total currently stood at £3,000.

WEBSITE:  A Rankin reported that after reassessment the conclusion was to have 3 independent, but linked sites for Carve Carrbridge, World Porridge Championship and  The architecture of each site had been defined and tenders invited to meet our requirements. A Rankin is minded to recommend we pay for someone to oversee sites, but with specific access by others to each site.  A Rankin currently has control of the website, having received the codes from R Brown.

ELLAN BRIDGE: J Walker has completed annual inspection and noted several minor works required, which R McInnes has duly completed – thanks to Robert.

WAR MEMORIAL: The War Memorial Trust has completed the cleaning, but railings still need painting.  R McInnes to investigate possibility of access by disabled persons.

DUCK RACE 2017: G Dyer reported on a very successful race at second attempt, with almost £1k being raised.  Thanks to all volunteers who helped on day.

WOOD SCULPTURE: A Kirk thanked Alice & Jeff Buttress for their work and M Thomson-Slaven for her determination and organisation of the unveiling.  Maria then thanked Alice & Jeff for their efforts, inspiration and skills, a view which was shared by all present.

CARRBRIDGE BURSARY: The first award of £600 has been allocated, with a PR event planned in a  few weeks time.  Details of the Bursary are on

CARVE CARRBRIDGE 2017:  G Dyer reported ther field was set up and everyone was geared up for a big day on Saturday.

TREASURER’s REPORT:  Current Balance £14,580, with £5k allocated to Playpark, leaving available funds of £9,580.   £20k has been transferred to Village Hall for extension.

PLANNING APPLICATIONS: None received in last month.

NEW ITEMS:  Tom na Clach Windfarm – K Adamson & R McInnes to attend meeting on 7th September.  Notify any concerns to them.   Bumps on Dava Road causing concerns.                                     New Hospital Design Display – event in Aviemore 5th September.                                                            Data Protection Registration – Secretary to renew.                                                                                      THC Quality Awards – Advise CC of any staff worthy of award.                    

AOCB:   Concerns about state of footpath and lack of fencing beside railway line and the overgrown nature of the footpath to south of village.  A Rankin & R McInnes to investigate and arrange cutting back.                                                                                                                                                                          

A Buttress reported slippery parts of gravel path in cemetery – B Lobban to investigate. 

There is an steep unprotected section of banking to the west of the road north out of the village – B Lobban will report this also.                                                                                                         

J Porteous queried why no further consultation with residents in respect of parking etc.  A Kirk pointed out that people’s views had been expressed and noted and THC officials made it clear that the body with which they had discussions was the Community Council, whose views they would listen to, but the final decision would be made by the Road Engineers.                                    

Discussion on number of campervans using car park for overnight stay and lack of bins for resulting rubbish.                                                                                                                                                                   Agreed that Coronation Bench needs renovation.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  Thursday 28th September at 7.30pm, following AGM of Carrbridge Ahead at 7pm.

The meeting closed at 8.50pm.